Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

"Just stay put," Lou yelled from the side of the road, ahead of the car. "Don't push. Do everything in your power to keep the little guy in there."

I started crying for real this time. I was all too overwhelmed. It was too unsafe to deliver him here. We didn't have anywhere to put him or anything to cut the cord with. He probably wouldn't even make it.

"Maybe the pressure is just from standing up," she said. "You were just sitting down for a while so maybe everything is just settling." 

There were less and less cars by the minute. We weren't on one of those urban highways with tons of zooming cars and city lights. It was too dark to see our surroundings. I could see faint city lights in the distance, but I assumed that was where we had came from. 

I had no idea what we were going to do. 

Everything just seemed so hopeless. 

At this point, I wouldn't even mind giving birth on the side of the road, if Niall was with me. But he wasn't. And I didn't even want to have this baby anymore.

This was all my fault.

Every decision I had made up to this point has been to protect Niall and protect the fans, but in this moment, I couldn't even protect my unborn son. 

I watched Lou frantically wave her arms in the air as there were no cars passing by. I bit down on my lip as tears flooded down my face. 

Minutes went by, and there was nothing. 

"Lou," I yelled. "It's not working. It's okay. You can stop now."

Lou turned to me, and I saw that she had been crying too. Her eyes were puffy, even through the darkness. 

She walked over to me and gave me a tight hug, as if she was trying to squeeze all of the confusion out of me. 

I wrapped my arms around her in return, and as much as I was so grateful for her, I wished that they were wrapped around Niall.

"Should I see what's lying around in the trunk?" She asked, swallowing her tears. I knew what she was talking about. "Maybe there's a blanket, or a knife, or just anything we can use."

I was silent. There were no other options.

This baby was going to come whether we were in a hospital or in the trunk of her rental car.

She broke free of my grasp and began to walk over to the back of the car, her sneakers dragging in the dirt. 

Something caught my eye on the distant road. I squinted my eyes and saw two headlights coming towards us. 

It wasn't even worth trying to have them stop for us, so I just stood in my normal I'm-in-a-lot-of-pain position against the car. 

The car was moving slowly as it got closer to us, and normally I would be scared, but something about it made me curious.

The car rolled to a stop, and the driver's door opened. A figure began to get out of the car, and the door was slammed shut again.

"Alyssa? Is that you?" A voice, an american-sounding English-speaking voice said. My heart began beating faster. 

I pushed myself up from the car to get a better look at whoever this was who was saying it.

"Oh my god," I said. It was my doctor. "I have never been happier to see you!" I couldn't stop myself from running out into the middle of the road to give her a hug.

"We got lost and then the car ran out of gas and-" I was talking so fast, trying to get everything out until I was cut off by another contraction.

"The hospital is only a few miles away, get in my car," she said, taking my arm. "I already called and they have an open room, other doctors on call, and everything else. Let's go."

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