Chapter {18}

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A/N: Another good chapter by meeee!!!

Oh and before I forget, this was INSPIRED from... Naruto. Yeah Naruto, blame my stupid friend and her obsessions. No, you won't see things like ''RAAASENGAN'' or something like that lol that would be weird.. just a tiny scene.

Enjoy it!!


(Jayson's POV)

Have I ever told you how much I HATE being enchained by a f*cking wall?! How about dark, stuffy spaces.. No? I'm telling you now!

I'm in a cave (how they found one in such a short time is beyond me) , enchained by a wall with iron chains, my hands above my head. Demons can't break loose, but me being .. me, this would be nothing if I didn't feel so damn weak. Kade (bastard) injected me with a poison specially made for me, (he didn't trust me to begin with) and I was lucky I figured out right away so my life isn't in danger. I can say I am just a little more weak but NOT vulnerable.. there's a difference.

Where did they found chains anyway?!

We have spend the night here because we had nowhere else to go. I'm in a cave.. wonderful.

''Wake up everyone..'' Zeke's hoarse voice echoed from a different corner of the cave. He had Angelique in his arms so he's now shaking her softly, making her let out a different noise at each second.

 I think Seth was awake before I even woke up. He's standing pretty close to me, that making every reaction of mine visible to him, so all this time I stared at the ground. Yup, the ground's beautiful. Lots of bumps, yeah..

After they stretched themselves a little, Zeke and Angie took a few steps closer to me so they're standing right before me. Seth didn't have to take some steps closer because he IS too close already! They all knelt before me only that Seth and Zeke are standing indian style.

''How are you feeling?'' Angie asked softly. Seeing she was actually waiting for an answer, I'm gonna answer but she should know I'm not going to make this easy for her.

''Oh I'm awesome, I slept so well last night!'' I said sarcastically. ''How many stars are there at this wonderful hotel? I bet they're f*cking five!''

''Stop yelling at her!'' Zeke spat at me, taking Angelique in her arms. All this time Seth kept silent, only watching. ''How can you be so .. different from who you were?'' After a moment of silence he whispered, ''Don't you feel any remorse? You did kill Caleb..''

My jaw clenched. Is he really trying to make me feel guilty?!  ''He insulted me! He said those horrible things and he deserved to-''

''You didn't have to kill him!'' Seth spat at me. I look at him, my eyes widening a little.. Why am I feeling bad only because he shouted at me?  ''That was.. Only part of the plan. It was all Caleb's doing. His body burnt like that only because he wanted to, so we could take you out of here. He was only buying some time ..'' I remained silent for three seconds but then it hit me.

''Why are you all blaming me if he would've died anyway?!''

''That's not the issue here! He was willing to sacrifice for your sake because he still considered you his friend! He was willing to do it, but you ended his life willingly!''

This time, I couldn't talk back to Seth even if I wanted so badly to do it.. ''Whatever..'' I answered trying to sound indifferent, but on the inside some questions like, Why did he do it? or He didn't have a reason to kill himself for me or Is he an idiot?! really bugged me..

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