Chapter {13}

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A/N: Three chapters left .. or so. *sigh* Everything comes to an end right? But every end is a new beginning! *wink* WAIT NO! I didn't imply a sequel to this! That was just an epic phrase lol so don't misinterpret things. :)

Enjoy as ever! ^-^


(Jayson's POV; A few weeks later.)

Another normal, ordinary day, high possibility of nice weather and monotony.  We're all standing on the ground under a giant three, Seth holding me and Zeke holding Angie lovingly. We're all laughing.. enjoying life.

Everything's all right between Zeke and Angie much to my relief. She hugged me so tight and thanked me and complimented my way of seeing things so many times and .. ugh. All this because she was so happy she could find her love. I am happy for her and I am glad I could help. They were there for me that night and they took me in; I didn't forget that. I couldn't just stand there and doing nothing when I knew Angie and Zeke were unhappy.

Even Zeke being the way he is .. a bastard full of pride, he showed us all he truly loves Angie and even thanked me for bringing the two of them together, but he threatened me if I say that to Caleb he'll kill me.


I got to know Caleb pretty well; I am fond of him because we spent a lot of time together. He told me a little about how I used to be fifty years ago. Also .. he told me that he used to have a crush on me, but he pointed out (he yelled in my face) that he let me go because he wants me to be happy. I hugged him, regretting to see him sad and he surprised me by starting to cry on my shirt. I held him for a few minutes. I guess he wasn't okay after all..

Now .. I know I'm in love again with Seth. When he's near me, even in the same room I can't stop smiling like an idiot. I'm happy whenever he's around. When he touches me I want to kiss him, I want him to hold me. Sill being a bastard, a teaser more precisely, he knows how to annoy me faster than anyone else. Then, he always puts up his puppy face or does things like kissing me, whispering in my ear, holding me, caressing me and my anger vanishes so quickly as if never it was there.

Sometimes, I struggle to keep up the tough act. I didn't manage not even once..

I asked so many times when I'll remember my previous life, when will I start my 'training' as an angel, ( it's assumed that I must kill the King of demons that killed my mother) I'm sick of it. Sam told me to calm down.. ''Everything will come back at you naturally.'' he said and I scoffed at him. ''NATURALLY?''  ''Yes ..naturally.''

''Hello! Earth to Jayson, are you still with us?''

I blinked. Caleb is waving his hands furiously in front of my face. Annoying!

''Stop that!'' I said as I slapped his hand away. I swear this kid seems to have ADHD sometimes. He pouted faking a hurt expression.

''I worry about you and that's what I get?! What if invisible evil aliens were sucking your brain out and that's why you weren't reacting?! I just saved your life! YOUR LIFE! SHOW ME SOME CONSIDERATION AND BRING ME AN UNICORN NOW! ''

I remained speechless at his .. well, childish attitude. That's Caleb. He would always say random things or do weird things, but I'm not completely used to this and I think l'll never be.

I burst out laughing along with Zeke, Angie and Sam. Seth on the other hand just snarled and  then rolled his eyes. ''Shut the hell up Caleb or I'll make sure you'll never be able to make a sound.''

''Oh yeah? You think you're though?! Show me big boy!''

Seth was prepared to lunge at Caleb because I could see his muscles tense immediately,  but I took his hand in mine and squeezed it a little. He immediately looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I smiled at him lovingly, trying to tell him to drop it. He let out a breath then muttered under his breath. ''Not worth my attention..'' I nodded at him.

I noticed whenever he's angry I can calm him down with just one touch. He has that power on me too..

''Ooh you decided to drop it?!'' Caleb said smugly. ''Okay but just so you know .. I would have won anyway.'' He ended in a duh tone. That boy .. that clueless happy boy.

''What is it like in you funny little brain Caleb?'' Seth asked sounding bored. ''It must be so relaxing..''

He got up, holding my hand in his and we were slowly backing away from the group, but we could still hear Caleb's angry voice and all his humming. I bet that shouted his mouth! I almost felt sorry for Caleb but he should know by now he can't win against Seth.

Still .. I didn't know where was Seth leading us. I thought he wants to go inside but we're still in the garden and surprisingly I didn't know this part of it at all. Hell the garden was huge I think I'll never know everything!

Seth pinned me against a three. I looked at him and saw his burning lustful eyes, his desire for me. He kissed me hungrily on the lips and when I felt his lips against mine I immediately granted him entrance. S*it! This time I wanted to make him work for it, to actually tease him myself but I can't! Not when I feel his soft lips against mine, not when I feel his body pressed against me. He drives me crazy..

Our tongues danced one against each other and we were forced to pull back breathless before starting again.

''Finally .. we are alone.'' Seth breathed against my lips. ''You had no idea how hard was it for me to refrain myself back there..'' He kissed me again roughly.

''I think I know..'' I said feeling breathless, my arms wrapped around his neck. ''I know.''

He lifted me up so my legs were wrapped on his waist . He began sucking on my neck and I moaned in pure pleasure, forcing out his name his name in a whimpered tone.

Everything was going well until he stopped abruptly and I somehow felt that wasn't one of his usual teases. He let me down on my own feet. ''What is-'' I started to say but I cut myself off remaining stunned by what I was seeing.

The sky was.. red. The beautiful blue sky was crimson instead of its beautiful soothing colour. Instead of the normal sun.. there was a black sun.

I flinched. ''Seth..'' I managed, feeling the tremble in my voice.''What the hell is going on?''

He didn't answer. He was just starring at the sky.


''Come with me and don't make any sound.'' He whispered, then took my hand in his.  This can't be a good sign.. What is going on?!

After three minutes of walking, we eventually stopped when we saw the horrible image in front of us. I gasped feeling the tears in the corner of my eyes. The castle and a significant part of the garden..they were on fire ..


A/N: Le gasp! What the hell happend while my babies were making out in the forest?! Of course I know the answer to that lol. I've told you that it's time for some drama!

Thanks for reading, fanning etc. You know already you're awesome for doing that so I don't have to tell you anymore! :)

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