Chapter {19} (FINAL)

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  • Dedicated to All of you!:)

Okay lovelies .. here’s the last chapter of Seeking Hope! I could barely bring myself to write it, because I didn’t want to end this story and I really hope I didn’t screw it up..

I don't know if it should be rated R or not but it has a smex scene so be warned. ^_^

This chapter is a little more special compared to the others because it has a background scene at the beginning and another one at the end. Why you may ask? Because it was fun to write them lol xD

As I said I could barely bring myself to write..


Jayson: *nudging me* Come on!! *irritated*  Please write the final chapter for God's sake!!

Me: *sleepy* *rubbing my eyes* Heck no.. Just five more minutes and I’ll-

Seth:  Oh no you don’t! *grabs my arm and yanks me on my feet* Get up and write something!!

Me: *looks at the clock* It’s four in the morning.. *grabs Jayson by his shoulders* IT’S FOUR IN THE F*CKING MORNING!!

J: *stutters* I-I couldn’t wait anymore.. *looks down *

Me: *silence*

Seth:  Stop yelling at him!! *slaps both of my hands away*

Me: HEY!! *rubs hands*

Jayson: *puts his hand over Seth’s* Seth stop it please.. *turns to me* Just .. write the chapter, I can’t wait any longer.. *puppy dog eyes*

Me: O-Okay, fine.. *goes at the desk* *mumbling* Seth's an asshole.. *sigh*

Seth: *yelling* What was that?!

Me: Nothing! *smirks*


Okay, that was it lol. Enjoy the chapter, it's the last one!!


(Jayson’s POV)

I can hear someone’s voice calling me over and over again.

‘’Jayson,  Jayson open your eyes love .. please.’’ That voice..


Where are you?


‘’Seth!” I yelled as I opened my eyes and I could feel someone’s warm hand over mine, holding it lovely.

The next thing I know is that I am yanked in a sitting position and Seth wraps his arms around me making me feel warm inside. ‘’Jayson, I was so scared.. Don’t you ever leave me again..’’ His voice trembled, as if he’s afraid to let go..

I hug him back, holding on him like he’s my life support, ‘’I’m back Seth.. I’m back!’’

‘’Jayson!’’ Angie’s voice echoed as she entered the cave followed by Zeke. They were very happy to see me..

Seth had to let go of me as both of them engulfed me in a big hug and I was happy to join, not that I had a choice anyway.

‘’You are okay! I’m so glad you are okay!’’ She said, relief clear in her voice.

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