Chapter {5}

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(Jayson's POV)

After a ride that it seemed like forever the car stopped. Thank god! I got out, followed by Seth and remained stunned. Right in front of me, there was the most incredible castle I've ever seen. It was more like a mansion, but I got the feeling it was a castle because it was just.. wow. Breathtaking. Magnificent. Surrounded by an amazing garden, the mansion was very beautiful in the moonlight.

''Shut your mouth or you'll catch flies.'' Seth joked, clearly amused by my reaction. I blushed, then quickly follow the other three to the castle's entrance.

Just then, a boy of my age got out from the castle, making us to stop in place and his eyes landed on mine. For a couple of seconds there was an uncomfortable silence between us.

I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off. ''Jayson!'' The boy started running towards me with his arms wide open. He engulfed me in a hug before I had a chance to protest and I gasped at the sudden gesture. Does everyone know me around here?!

''Oh my God Jayson it's really you! I'm so glad we've found you and I'm so glad you're okay~! I missed you so much we all did and-''

''What the f*ck are you taking about?!'' I yelled, trying to get him off me. Is he insane?!

''What do you mean? You don't know who I am?'' he leaned forward, his eyes wide. Our lips were nearly touching.. He was.. invading my personal space!

''Umm.. no?'' I offered, feeling the blush rising in my cheeks. Why was he standing so close to me?

''All right that's it!'' Seth growled, shoving the insane boy out of me and I let out a sigh of relief. The boy looks dazed.

''What's this all about?! Why he doesn't remember and why-''

''Okay let's all calm down.'' The massive door opens and reveals a tall man in a suit. He takes a few steps closer to us so he's standing right in front of me. ''Is this little brat annoying you?'' He pointed in the boy's direction, ''Maybe he should learn to keep his mouth shut!'' He immediately smashed him in the head the second he was done talking and the boy whined in pain.

''Why did you do that old man?! Do you want me to beat you up?!'' The boy tried to be brave and dangerous but the man didn't seem impressed at all. ''I dare you to do it again!''

The man hit him again without remorse. After that, he gave the boy a noogie and seemed to enjoy doing it very much. All this time the boy yelled at him curses but still begged him to stop once he realized he couldn't escape from his grasp.

 I couldn't hold back and burst out laughing so hard I had to hold my stomach. Everyone started giggling, trying to hold their own laughs and Seth smiled at me kindly.

After a minute, the man cleared his throat, motioning for all of us to stop. I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye and tried to compose myself but it's hard, seeing that boy's red face..

''Well then, we had our fun..'' He outreacted his hand for me to shake it and I gladly shook it. '' I am Sam Brooks and it's a pleasure to see you again Jayson.'' he smiled at me widely.

I raised an eyebrow. ''I would present myself too, but you all seem to know who I am..'' I said a bit confused and slightly uncomfortable.

''Oh about that..'' he let go of my hand as he spoke. '' I'm sure you have lots of questions and you'll get an answer I assure you. We'll talk tomorrow about all of it and trust me it's much to tell.''

''Tomorrow?!'' the boy yelled, outraged. I was starring at him from the corner of my eyes, so he wouldn't see. Man.. he seemed hyperactive. But you were also feeling good, relaxed.. in a good mood around him.. Weird boy.  ''Why not now stupid old man?!''

The man paused a second, searching for his words a little. ''First of all.. Stop calling me old Caleb!'' I nearly laughed at that. ''Second of all..'' He turned now, so he was facing me directly. '' It's too late for this now. Angie, please show Jayson the mansion.. We don't want him to get lost.''

Angelique smiled at me and nodded. After that, Sam sent everyone to their rooms much to Caleb and Seth's protest, saying we all needed some sleep. They couldn't resist because Sam literally pushed all of them inside.

I was alone with Angelique outside. Before things had the chance to get awkward, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me along with her. She asked me if I was hungry but I refused.. I wasn't hungty at all. She showed me the the mansion briefly, me being stunned the whole time by how big and beautiful it was.

After this, she lead me to a corridor, saying that my room was the last one on the left. She politely whiched me a good night sleep, then left me all alone in front of the door.

I gulped, open the door and threw myself on the bed. My eyes imedtiatly began starring the room I was in. I found myself actually liking the freaking room.. I sighed. What have I gotten myself into?


A/N: Weee Jayson is in a mansion who knows what could happen.. Something will happen between Jayson and Seth in the next chapter but it's not what you think .. or is it? :o

Look, look, there's Caleb portrayed by Logan Lerman!! Also listen to In Pieces by Linkin Park..  awesome source of inspiration! :)

Vote, comment, blah blah, only if you want to~!

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