Chapter {4}

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 (Jayson's POV)

I was stunned.

I didn't expect to see him again. He was.. actually sexy would be a better word to describe him. Someone's eyes are telling everything the words can't. They tell you everything you want to know. He was telling me he wanted to protect me, to be by my side. To be by my.. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes just at the thought. Come on Jayson, you can't just burst out crying out of the blue.. He'll think you are a freak. But I felt it. I felt that someonewanted to be there for me. Someone. He saved me twice already for nothing in return..

I wanted to know more about him. If no one ever cared about me in my entire life, why would a stranger do it? Why did he protect me? Help me?

I grabbed his warm hand he offered me to get up. Feeling the blush rising in my cheeks just at the touch, I tried to pull my hand out of his. I couldn't. He only held it tighter and his eyes never left mine.

I remember when we met the first time, how he made me fell safe, loved.. It felt so right when he had me in his arms. I wish that was a dream and never had to wake up. These feelings.. scared me, because I didn't understood why I was feeling this way. And more importantly, how could a stranger make me feel this way.

I hear something from the bushes, a few feet behind me. This made me tense up instantly and somehow, I managed to pull my hand out of his. I turned around..

 ''Holy s*it Seth you know noting about teamwork do you?! God! What would've happened if you had lost control and-''


A boy appeared from the bushes, followed by a girl. The boy had dark blond hair, and deep blue eyes, a very beautiful shade of blue.The girl had beautiful blonde loops up to her tiny shoulders, the same beautiful eyes and smooth facial features. I could guess they were related just by looking at them.

The boy was cut off.  He was really angered by some reason, but he still shut his mouth like he was about to do a mistake. Now he was staring at me to see if I caught .. it whatever that was. This was so annoying! F*ck off, will you just stop staring at me?!

''Don't tell me to f*ck off!'' he snapped at me, fixing me with his look.

My eyes got wide. Seth smashed Zeke's head pretty bad but I didn't matter anyway. What did just happen? Did he.. read my mind? Oh s*it! I'm all alone at night on the street with people I don't  know! They could be dangerous murderers who could easily kidnap me, and torture me in a f*cking basement!

I took a few feet backwards, a little scared by this fact that could be possible, until I slammed by back against Seth's chest. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I think he saw that because he placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me, one of those warm smiles of his and the warmest smile I ever saw for that matter. I don't know why, but I relaxed under his touch, suddenly feeling butterflies in my stomach. I mentally slapped myself.

''Please, don't be afraid of us." the blonde headed girl spoke in a gentle voice, making a few steps closer to me.  ''We won't hurt you..''  she smiled kindly.

"Yeah, chill out." the guy approached me. "We're definitely not going torture you in a f*cking basement.'" He snickered under his breath, clearly amused.

Suddenly, the girl hit him with her elbow, seemingly annoyed with him. He just pouted at her.

"You did it again!" I said, being annoyed myself. What am I doing here with these people anyway? I should be trying to find suited places for..

"Zeke you're such a douche bag!'' the blonde girl spoke suddenly, crossing her hands over her chest. ''Stop picking on Jayson.''  My eye were wide. How did she..

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