Chapter {16}

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(Seth's POV)

Jayson flew away leaving me behind..

The sadistic look on his face, how he killed Abraxas without any sign of remorse.. He even laughed, as if he was actually enjoying what he was doing. His black wings, his claw-like hand, his crimson eyes surrounded by dark circles, his dark long hair .. He turned and it's only my fault..

''Seth,'' Angie spoke softly. ''Can you get up?''

I realized I wasn't even standing on my feet, because I was too stunned by what just happened. I didn't take her hand because I didn't want to. I got up by myself, then groaned at the pain. My whole body is aching but my ribs are hurting the most. I surely have at least five of them broken. I was about to stumble, but I felt someone catching me before I hit the ground.

''Take it easy..'' Caleb whispered at me. Abraxas must've burnt his vocal cords.. Poor boy.

''Is everyone okay?'' Zeke asked.

What a retarded question. I pushed Caleb away, suddenly forgetting about the pain that will eventually fade away.

''Are you kidding me or you're just a f*cking idiot?!'' I yelled at the top of my lungs. ''Everyone is covered in cuts and bruises, this kid,'' I pointed at Caleb who's looking at me as if he's near to tears. ''Will probably never be able to speak again a-and.. my Jayson has turned.'' I finished, my voice fading at the end.

Everyone looked uneasy. I knew it.. They had absolutely no idea what to do. Only that guy, Sam knew, but he was long dead. Abraxas killed them right after we got here in hell.

''He could've chose to turn into an angel if he'd felt the need to save us only.. He wanted to do it, true, but the need to kill Abraxas was bigger . I saw everything in his eyes before he turned.. He wanted to kill him so badly.. He wanted revenge.. ''

''Seth,'' Angie placed a hand on my shoulder which made me to slap it away dryly. She sighed but continued anyway, '' Everyone has their bad side, everyone, even angels.. Why'd you expect Jayson to be different? You do love him so.. Can you love his?''

My eyes widend a little. I didn't expect her to be so profound.

''Even if you don't like us that much, we love Jayson too you know?'' Zeke said sounding very tired and weak. ''Not in the way you do but, still.. We want to help him too. The question is, are you willing to help him?''

Ah.. humans. So willing to help, considerate, kind .. Oh screw it, who am I trying to fool?

'' I will always be willing to help him.'' I said confidently. '' I love him.''

''Okay!'' Zeke clapped his hands together. ''We must think of something and it has to be fast. I'm not sure if you noticed, but Jayson had lost pretty much of his humanity.'' He said sarcastically.

''Let me try and heal you all.'' Angie spoke. '' I must be weak, but I can still give it a try..''

(Jayson's POV)

''Boring, boring, boring .. Everything's so f*cking boring in this red rotten hole!'' I screamed in frustration while I was slaughtering demons or humans, (elders, adults or children it doesn't make any difference to me) by either cutting them down to tiny pieces, or playing with them a little bit before throwing them into the fire. ''I need more entertainment!''

After a while, I spotted a few helpless women. Ah.. joy.

When they saw me, they started to run in the opposite direction, but they're enchained anyway so they won't make it far. Where's the demon in charge of them? A group of humans are tortured by at least one demon so .. Where is he? I want to hill him too!

I used my speed to reach them, therefore I'm stading right before them. I flashed an evil smile. My enthusiasm is too visible I supppose..

''P-Please..'' Out of one of them spoke in a hoarse voice. ''Don't hurt us anymore please..I beg of you!'' Oh is she the toughest one of the group for daring to speak to me? The other nineteen women are just shaking in fear. So annoying..

''Oh don't worry, we won't be hurting you anymore..'' I spoke in a fake sweet tone, while I watched the women visibly relax. '' I will kill you right now!''

I rushed over them, surrounded only by their screams. I sliced some of them with my claw like hand, watching the blood rushing out from them, followed by their intestines, I electrocuted some others, I tortured more of them to death.. In the end there was one woman standing, tiny figure, blonde loops. What shall I do with her?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of footsteps. I can see a demon standing not far away from me. Oh he's the demon responsible for this group. Alrighty then!

I snapped my fingers and the woman was lying breathless on the ground. I took a few steps closer to him, wanting to end his life but he surprised me by kneeling before me,  looking obedient.

''Master! I found you at last.. I will follow you until the end!''

''Master? What are you talking about?'' I said after I burst out laughing. ''I will kill you, hence I'm not your f*cking master! I will kill everyone in this hole!''

''You are my King now because you killed Abraxas.'' He continued without looking at me and his very voice solemn. Who wouldn't at least look up before they die?

''Not interested you idiot, stop wasting my time!'' I raised my claw like hand to end his life, suddenly feeling annoyed with him. What a pain in the a*s!

''You want to kill everyone in this hole. How about the whole world? You didn't kill much demons, mostly humans, my King. Just think how many souls are  out there waiting for you to get them.''

I blinked, then dropped my hand. That's actually .. not a bad idea. I.. like it!

''Stand on your feet!'' I commanded and he followed my order precisely. I could see he is an old demon so I guess he is a counselor.

''What is your name?''

''Kade my King.''

''Well then, Kade, you and I will get along very well.'' I said, while I was smirking. ''Take me to the Kingdom.'' I ordered.

''Right away my King.'' He answered and bend a little, making it clear he'll follow my command.

We were about to took off, but a scream echoed, followed by some gasps. I looked behind me and saw a tall demon with blond hair and hazel eyes, followed by two boys and a girl standing not far away from us. Caleb the annoying kid, the related ones, Zeke and Angelique and the demon, Seth.

They are all looking at me  with shocked expressions, especially the demon with hazel eyes, mostly because I'm standing right in the middle of twenty corpses covered in blood. No wait.. the demon has actually a pained expression on his face. It looks hurt, like he's so sorry for an unknown reason but I can see he still looks at me with love and-

Wait, wait, wait! What the hell I'm doing? I don't care about all these things anymore!

''Is there something wrong my King? Kade asked, looking at me suddenly.

''Nothing.'' I answered trying to sound indifferent and managing to do so. '' Here's my first order but I shall reformulate it.. Take me to the Kingdom, but take those ones along too.'' 

''I'm going to have some fun!''


A/N: Soo was it good? xD

This chapter was kind of dark and all, but it wasn't hard to write. Jayson's kind of scary isn't he? *hugs him* My baby already killed someone!! I'm evil lol.

IF things go according to my plan, the next chapter will be the last one.. Considering that a new idea pops in my head in the last second, it may be two chapters. Anyway this story will soon reach it's ending~! *cries*

Dedicating this chapter to you koolzippy313 for looking at me with *puppy dog eyes* to give you a happy ending lol haha. :)

Thank you for reading~!!

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