Dates With Vash Headcanons

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Anon asked: Dates with Vash from Trigun would include?


-Dates always consist of food in some way, let's be real, this boy is always hungry...and not always for food if you know what I mean.

-For real though, will make sure you're fed on dates before doing something else.

-"Come on (Y/N), there's this new place I wanna take you too! It's supposed to have the best burgers and shakes!"

-He's a chill guy that doesn't like anything too flashy because that's not his style at all.

-Cute little picnic dates where he'll try his hand at cooking your favorite meal and even trying to bake your favorite sweets. He tries his best, but it might be a little burnt in the end.

-"I made it just how you like it, I remembered the receipt you said your aunt made to make it this is a bit burnt, but it still tastes great!"

-Nice scenic walks are his go-to. Walking through the countryside or through the park. Being in the sunshine is important to him and he wants you to get outside sometimes too to experience it as well.

-"It's like your part of the sunshine (Y/N), you're glowing right now! Gosh, you're absolutely stunning."

-Loves planning simple movie nights with you. Just the two of you cuddled under the blankets, popcorn, and other snacks at the ready with your guys' favorite drinks and your favorite movie or television show at the ready!

-"The new season of that show's on Netflix, get comfy babe, we're about to binge it!"

-Initiates the cuddles during movie nights, pulling you close under the blankets and pressing a chaste kiss to your head.

-Honestly can't focus on the show or movie that's playing because you're honestly so adorable to him.

-Double dates are a thing too, you'll join another couple from your friend group and just go out for some food and dancing and just have a nice night with each other.

-Enjoys watching you dance and having a good time and will sweep you off your feet and dance with you for a while, twirling you, dipping you, and just making you swoon.

-"One more dance, please baby. I just wanna hold you a little bit longer."

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