Makoto, Rin, Sousuke, Seijuro Headcanons with a Female S/O hiding orgasms [NSFW]

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Anon asked: Hello. Can I please make a Free! NSFW request for Makoto, Rin, Sousuke, and Seijuro with a female s/o who's so painfully shy that she's constantly covering herself, holding back all sound and hiding orgasms?


Makoto Tachibana

This poor bean is shy himself. When getting intimate with his S/O, he'll be hesitant on his movements when touching them and when you're getting him off, he'd honestly do the same. When seeing you hiding and holding back sounds, he'd have a bright blush on his face the whole time, but deep down really wants to hear you more and he'll try even harder to make you feel even better in hopes of making you louder.

Rin Matsuoka

Shark boi here loves how painfully shy his S/O is when holding back their sounds and trying to hide their orgasms. Will do whatever he can to make you louder. Will totally pin their hands above their head so they can't cover their mouth as he continues to please them. When his S/O is pleasing him, he gets a little shy himself, blush heavy on his cheeks and trying to hold back himself, but that also might be a ego thing for him.

Sousuke Yamazaki

Big boi here honestly loves to see his S/O hiding their sounds and covering themselves. He thinks it's cute as hell. Does tease his S/O a lot when trying to get them to uncover themselves and get them to be louder. When he's not pinning their arms above their head, he's stroking, kissing, even biting a bit to get more sounds out of you and to make you come undone. When his S/O is pleasing him, he usually grunts, but once in a while, he'll let his sounds out proudly.

Seijuro Mikoshiba

This manly bean thinks his S/O is adorable when they try to cover themselves and hide their voice when he's pleasing them. Will tease them a bit, but will also quietly coax them to don't hide themselves and he wants to hear them. When his S/O is pleasing him, he's loud and proud and honestly doesn't care who hears him. He wants his S/O to know how good they make him feel.

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