Hanamiya Makoto X !Chubby Reader - Jealous As The Devil

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You expected this, but at this point it was getting a bit ridiculous even for someone like Makoto.

You met up with an old friend just walking down the street. Makoto and yourself were going to the local basketball courts to have some fun, well as much as you could since it really wasn't your thing and all.

Your boyfriend ran into a convenience store to grab some drinks when your old friend noticed you and you both hit it off right away just like old times.

He was hugging you tightly and patting you as you both reminisced on good times you both spent together. As the both of you were laughing and having a good time catching up - a loud cough interrupted the both of you.

Turning around, Makoto stood there, a bag in hand and a glare on his face as he turned it to your friend who was still hugging you close to him.

"Who the hell's this?" You felt your friend stiffen at Makoto's glare as you let out a loud sigh. "Makoto, this is my old friend, (f/n) and we were just catching up is all." He only scoffed and grabbed your chubby hand, pulling you roughly against his toned frame.

"Makoto!" Yanking yourself away, you stepped back a bit and sent him your own glare as he only raised a brow.

"You shouldn't do that to (y/n)." Your friend piped up and of course, Makoto was quick to retort. "And you shouldn't be talking so why don't you shut the hell up before I make you." He took a threatening step towards (f/n), but you stepped in front of him blocking him from doing anything.

You turned to Makoto, "That's enough." Giving him a glare, you turned towards (f/n), flashing them a smile, "It was nice seeing you (f/n), I'll talk to you later and we can get together for lunch sometime." Giving you a nod, (f/n) quickly booked it away from Makoto - a growl erupting from from his throat.

Sharply turning on your heel, hands placed on your wide hips, you quirked an eyebrow at your boyfriend.

"Really? That's how you act?! (f/n) is an old friend, and here you are acting like a barbaric animal, what's wrong with you Makoto!" You poked the man in his chest and got up in his personal space as you ranted on, only to see a smirk appear on his face.

Large hands gripped your hips tightly and pulled you flush against his chest making your words stop short. "What's wrong with me is some bastard was touching my (y/n) and nobody touches what's mine." You felt his hands creep down to the curve of your ass as you gulped. Glancing around, the streets were thankfully empty at the moment.

"We're old friends, it was just friendly touches, nothing to go crazy over." He gave your globes a harsh squeeze making you gasp and bite your lip. "I don't give a damn, you're mine and nobody but me gets to touch you and this gorgeous body of yours."

Makoto suddenly took your hand in his and dragged you to the nearest ally and shoved you against the brick wall. "Can't you wait until we get back to your place?!" The only response you got was a quick nip to your neck making you gasp.

You got your answer in the form of Makoto starting to glide his hands up and down the curves of your soft body. You stopped protesting and gave in to his actions. You kept in mind that you kind of liked jealous Makoto and if this was the award you received, you were going to schedule lunch with (f/n) in a few days to rile him up again.

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