Zoro X !Chunky Reader - Work It Out (NSFW-ish)

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It was another day out on sea.

You gazed down on the deck, leaning against a railing as your eyes scanned at your crew a smile on your face. Luffy, Ussopp and Chopper were fishing and having a contest to see who could catch the biggest fish. Of course, they were bickering about which fish was bigger, making you shake your head.

Eyes shifted over to where Robin was lounging, drink on the table and book in her hand focusing on that as usual. Sanji was next to her gushing about her beauty too as usual. You knew Franky was in his workshop working on something new and "Super"! as he always said. Finally your eyes went over to the usual pole where Zoro was always asleep, but this time he was wide awake, resting against the pole and staring right up at you.

Feeling heat rise onto your round cheeks, you looked away quickly as a laugh next to you startled you a bit. There stood Nami, a smug look on her face and hands on her hips.

"He's been looking at you every chance he knows you're not looking at him, just thought you should know." The navigator sent you a wink.

You scoffed at her words not believing them in the slightest. "You must be blind Nami, why would he look at me."

You felt a light swat on your soft arm. "Stop, you're gorgeous and Zoro obviously sees that too, I haven't seen him so focused on something other than training, he clearly wants you. You're amazing, remember that (Y/N)."

With those words, Nami made her way back down to join Robin in the lounge chairs. You decided to head to your room, not really feeling like joining the others right now. The only thing on your mind were Nami's words and your thoughts.

Sparing one final glance at the swordsman, he was asleep against the pole. The sight made you shake your head knowing Nami's words probably didn't ring true in this scenario.


Sighing, you finally got up from your bed, body not being able to sleep you decided to go and workout knowing only the lookout was there and tonight it was Robin's turn. Only clad in cotton pants that hugged your body and a tank top, you made your way to the lookout, the night air calmed your nerves as you made your way up the mast.

Walking in, you didn't even bother to look up as you discarded your shirt, your sports bra underneath.

"Hey Robin, I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd work out a bit." Hearing no response, you finally paid attention to your surroundings and looked up and there stood Zoro and not your good friend Robin.

Clearing his throat, the swordsman rubbed the back of his neck. "Robin wanted me to take her shift tonight, but I can help you workout if you want." You could feel heat rise to your round cheeks. You couldn't believe your luck and what you just did in front of him.

"S-sure, that would be nice."

"Don't expect me to go easy on you (Y/N)." He said this with a smirk.


"One more (Y/N)!" With a grunt you raised yourself up finishing the last set of your sit-ups. You both were working out for a good hour and a half and you were wiped, it was nice to work out with Zoro, he didn't go easy on you, but he also helped you along the way.

He was a bit more hands on than you imagined, gripping your hips on certain work outs, having him behind you and making sure you had a good grip on the equipment and...well, other times you didn't see a reason why he was holding you other times especially if it wasn't necessary.

Holding yourself up, your hands behind you and supporting you, you stared at Zoro who was still holding onto your feet like you were still doing the exercise. You were still trying to catch your breath, your chest was heaving up and down and seat was dripping down your face. Biting your lip, your eyes scanned Zoro's body, sweat dripping down it too.

"Thanks Zoro, that was nice...maybe I join you ag-." Zoro cut you off by smashing his lips against yours. It wasn't a sweet kiss like you imagined, it was a needy, passion filled kiss. His lips moved against yours, his hands skimming down to grasp your wide hips and pull you on top of him on the floor.

Breaking the kiss you were shocked at how fast it happened, but also why it was happened. You tried to get up from being on top of him, but he gripped your waist, keeping you in place as you were now straddling him.

"I need you (Y/N)."

"Why?" Was Nami actually right about this whole thing? Biting your lip, you waited for his response. He didn't say anything before he flipped your large frame over as he was now on top of you, straddling your waist and pinning your hands above your head.

"Because you've been on my mind ever since you walked on this ship." Leaning down, he gave you a chaste kiss. "Having you this close is something I've always wanted and seeing you working out is turning me on...I couldn't take it anymore, I need you (Y/N)."

"O-okay Zoro, I'm yours." Giving him a smile, he grinned down at you and captured your lips in a sweet kiss, it was slow and steady as he released your hands and cupped your rounds cheeks in his large hands. Your own hands traveled through his hair and down the expanse of his back.

Zoro started to rub his hardened clothed member against your clothed core, the think cotton pants you had on not helping to conceal how aroused you were by the swordsman's actions. He started to pepper kisses down the slope of your neck, nipping here and there to get more of a rise out of you which worked as mewls and moans flowed out of your mouth.

"More Zoro, please!" Grinning at your pleads of more, he leaned up to look down at your flushed state, mouth open and panting, chest heaving, and a look of pure bliss on your face. You're a sight he would never get tired of seeing that was for sure. Getting up from the floor, he helped you up too before pulling you to his chest, hands groping your ass, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck once more getting you riled up again before pulling away.

"Meet me in the showers in ten minutes for some more and then we'll move it to my room." You smiled and gave him a nod before he gave you a chaste kiss and slapped your ass as you left. When you disappeared down the mast, he smiled from ear to ear before following you, your guys' night of love just getting started and you both hoped you wouldn't wake up the whole ship.

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