Oikawa X !Chubby !Female Reader - Perfectly Perfect

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Warning: Mentions of violence/fighting.


You hated to see the small crowd of girls following Oikawa around, you just wished they'd stop. You knew he hated it, he's told you many times when you two would be hanging out.

He'd give the girls fake smiles and waves in hopes of them leaving him alone, but honestly, it never really worked in the long run.

You've seen his true smile which he only shows to you and a selected few and it's radiant and bright just like him. You gave a scoff as one of the girls tried to hug him around the middle only to be politely turned down with a fake smile and wave.

Oikawa looked towards you and shoot you a wink making you laugh and throw a peace sign up. You knew you'd hang out with him after practice and with that in mind, you turned and headed towards your locker to get your books for your next class.

Turning the corner, you were suddenly pushed against the wall, making you hit your head against the cold, hard tiled walls, a hiss coming through your clenched teeth. "Look who I found girls, little ole (y/n)." You knew the small formation of girls in front of you, they were part of Oikawa's fan club and they along with the whole club hated your guts.

The petite girl gave a laugh. "Well, she's not so little, right girls?" The chorus of laughter made you look away.

Of course, they'd pick at your weight, everyone who had a mean bone in their body did. Yeah, you were bigger than most girls in the area, but that didn't mean they had the right to treat you like this. "Why don't you shut the hell up!" Pushing the girl away, a gasp echoed through the group as another girl stepped up to you.

"That was a bad idea tubbs." She pushed you to the ground, making you fall onto your knees as they made a sickening crack on the floor beneath you. A sudden invasion of kicks made contact with various parts of your body, your soft padding doing nothing to ease the pain that rippled through you.

"I don't know why he hangs out with you, fatty!"

"He could totally do better."

"Once he sees you like this, he'll dump you!"

"Give up chunky, you'll never get anyone."

"Nobody cares about you (y/n)!"

"STOP!" The kicks came to an abrupt stop, as you heaved and coughed, trying to catch your bearings from the awful attack. Lifting your head a bit, there stood Oikawa himself, teeth and fists clenched in anger, as he looked at the girls.

"Oikawa!" One girl scampered up to him, only to have the usually polite man stop her and give her a death glare making her back up a bit from the menacing look.

"I don't care if you annoy the shit out of me, but for you to touch (y/n) and hurt her like that, that's something that's unforgivable." He made his way towards you, kneeling down and scooping you into his arms as if you weighed nothing to him.

"She doesn't deserve you!" A weak voice piped up from the girls. Oikawa answered with a growl.

"Shut it! If anything, I don't deserve her, she's perfectly perfect and if I ever see any of you touch her or look at her wrong again, you'll be fucking sorry." With the fresh threat hanging in the air, he whisked you away, going towards the nurse to get you patched up.

"Oikawa, thank you." He gave you a genuine smile, clutching you closer to him. "Don't thank me (y/n), you shouldn't have had to endure that." Wrapping your chubby arms around his neck, you placed a kiss on his cheek.

"My hero." You both gave a little laugh. "I'll be your hero forever if you let me (y/n)." Looking into his chocolate-brown eyes, you nodded at his suggestion.

Now, every time you go anywhere with Oikawa, he's always by you looking after his perfectly perfect (y/n).  

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