How The Paladins Act Around Their !Chubby !Gender Neutral Crush

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Expect horrible pick-up lines and cheesy one liners from this dork. "Hey (y/n), you must be a banana, because I find you a peeling." Other than the awful pick-up lines, he tries to be slick and smooth, but usually stumbles over his words and gets a bit clumsy. 

"M-me, well - me and you, u-uh movie?" He loved their smile, it made his day so much better when it beamed on their chubby face and all he wanted to do was kiss them all over and continue to make them smile.


Leaves little notes and even flowers in random places for them. "Dear (y/n), your eyes sparkle like the stars." -Keith. He's really shy around you, but will pipe up when he gives you a flower. "I-I found this today and I thought of you." 

His actions truly do speak louder than his words. He likes how confident they are in everything they do. He saw others pick on their weight, but that didn't let them down and the confident glow you radiated just continued to draw him in.


Will stutter something out in front of them and then will blush and promptly run away saying they need to tinker with something. "Y-your laugh is ad-dorable (y/n), I-I mean, I have to go work on the new upgrades!" 

Takes a lesson from Lance and uses some nerdy pick-up lines to try and woo them. "Hey (y/n), I've got my ion you.". Likes how optimistic they are in every situation, even when people put them down and say they can't do something, they prove them wrong.


Makes various food dishes for them and writes little notes on them that hopefully lifts their spirits or makes them smile. He'll make you a cake and he'll write in frosting, "(y/n), you looked so pretty today, enjoy the cake!". 

Invites them to cook with him and they try new recipes together. "All you have to do is add the sugar, yeah, like that!". Enjoys how they have a healthy appetite and likes to try his new dishes when everyone else won't.


Is usually calm and collected around them until they do something adorable that makes him lose his confidence which is most of the time and it's when they smile at him. "(y/n), do you want to-to-uh, is that the alarm, time to suit up!". Other times, he leaves their favorite candies for them with inspirational notes on them. 

"Remember that the day is what you make it, you can do it (y/n)!". Their laugh, whenever they let it go, it's so contagious they he can't help but to laugh along with them. Now, he wants to be the reason for their laugh.

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