Fluffy Romantic Headcanons (Ace and Law) with a !Chubby Reader

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Portgas D. Ace

He's your personal hype man! For real, even before you both got together, he was always hyping you up when it came to your outfits and would even encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

Now that you both have been dating for some time, he'll always hype you up and now he'll even buy you pieces he'd like to see on you.

Loves to use your thighs as pillows and will just plop himself down on them when he gets sleepy.

Honestly, he'll use any part of you as a pillow. You're so soft and your warmth and softness brings him a sense of comfort.

He tries to be romantic and surprise you with things, like the one time he tried to cook breakfast for you, which ended up with him burning the food to a crisp, but it was the thought that count.

Very affectionate with you, even in public. Sweet kisses to your lips, cheeks, hands around your waist and lower back, the man just needs to have hands on you if he doesn't it's just not right.

Man will pick you up and if you say he can't, he takes that as a challenge! Honestly just likes to have you in his arms, he's strong and having you in his arms makes him happy and it reminds him that you really are there with him and that's something he doesn't want to let go of.

Trafalgar Law

Leaves presents for you in your shared room. From little trinkets he noticed you staring at, to outfits that you looked or or even ones he wants to see you in. He knows what looks great on you and he wants you to embrace it.

Man is usually stressed out and you're his only relief. Having you in his hold on your guys' bed, his hands caressing your curves and rolls as you run your fingers through his head. You're his relaxation, his haven.

Favorite place to lay his head on you his your chest because he can hear your heartbeat and that lulls him to sleep most of the time.

Doesn't like to be public with his romantic gestures and thinks it should just be between you both. He'll surprise you with breakfast in bed when he can, keep you in bed on those rare days he sleeps in and other sweet gestures.

Doesn't show PDA, he saves those kisses and affection for behind closed doors. He thinks those are actions only for you both, not everyone else's eyes. The only time he'll show any PDA is if someone is coming onto you, that's when he'll throw an arm around your waist and pull you close.

He'll sling you over his shoulder when he needs to and even pick you up. If he needs to do it, he will no matter how much you protest. He does smirk a bit when you pout and complain on his shoulder. He just gives your bottom an affectionate slap and he's on his way.

Is very protective of you. He'll slice his way through anyone that tries to hurt you. You're his everything and he'll be damned if you're taken away from him.

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