Male Raven X !Chubby !Gender Neutral !Heroine Reader - Fantastic

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You never second-guessed your place on the team and you knew you belonged with them. They were your family and you wouldn't have it any other way, but lately, thanks to the Toy Maker, you were having second thoughts.

The villain managed to get you alone thanks to his traps and that's when he attacked you - both literally and verbally.

"Don't you see? You slow the whole team down!" You jumped back and launched a blast of ice towards him as you managed to get a portion of his arm. "Oh yes, you have marvelous abilities, but that's only half of it, isn't it? I'm surprised they let you stay on the team in your shape."

Growling, you lifted your other hand as a blizzard emerged from the lifted limbs. The snow and ice blanketing the psycho instantly.

"(Y/n), that's enough, you got him!" The authoritative voice of Robin filtered your ears as you cut the winter storm off and lifted your gaze to the rest of the Titans.

Robin held that certain glare that meant you'd get a lecture later and the others had poker faces. Glancing up at a certain hooded male, you saw the concern in his eyes and he knew something was wrong even with your neutral look.

"I just wanted to make sure...let's go." Walking past the team, you went on ahead refusing to talk or look at any of them due to your state of mind right now.

It's been a full week since the encounter and you were still in a deep funk and the team noticed of course. They would try to cheer you up and you'd give them the satisfaction of smiling and acting like your bubbly self at that moment, but once they were gone, those thoughts would filter through you again.

The only one that didn't try to 'help' you was Raven himself. The dark man was usually off to the side just observing everything.

You knew that was his subtle way of making sure you were okay and you were fine with that, but you didn't expect to have the magic-user to appear at your door late one night. It was honestly around the time the thoughts grew darker, but you answered your door anyway not even glancing to see the time.

The surprise on your face was evident, but you quickly diminished it as you let him in as he glided in, seating himself on your bed, patting the space next to him.

Sighing, you sat your chubby form on the bed lightly in hopes of not making the springs squeak like usual. An audible gasp left your lips as your hand was engulfed by a larger one.

Glancing up, Raven had his hood off and was looking directly at you. He squeezed your enclosed hand gently as he started speaking.

"I've seen your thoughts, even those when you sleep." His thumb brushed over the bumps of your knuckles softly. "it's consuming you (y/n) and they need to stop before it causes you any more damage."

You bit your lip and maintained Raven's gaze. "W-why were you in my thoughts?" Giving a dry laugh you continued, "Those are private you know."

"I'm worried about you (y/n) and I know it has to do with your encounter with the Toy Maker." You scoffed "So what are you going to do to cheer me up?" You noticed the man scooting closer to you. "Nothing. I'm here to tell you the truth and get those thoughts erased."At this point, your shoulders were touching and he still had a hold of your chubby hand.

"What exactly is the truth Raven?" A blush rose to your cheeks as his other hand lightly touched your leg.

"That yes, you are bigger than other girls, but that doesn't make you any less valuable (y/n)." Your sides were flushed against one another, the heat radiating off one another. "your power is amazing and so are you - body and all."

You were suddenly engulfed in a tight hug as the both of you fell onto the soft bed. You were a bit shocked at Raven's forward action, yes, he's hugged you before, but never with this much emotion.

"R-Raven?" His hand stroked your soft hair and pulled you closer. "I never want you to have those dark thoughts again. You belong here with the team and with me."

He pulled back and cupped your squishy cheek softly. Smiling softly, you placed your hand over his. "They won't go away instantly, but with you and the rest of the team, I think these thoughts can go away completely...thank you Raven."

Raven smiled softly at you and the both of you just stayed together on the bed for the rest of the night holding each other and for the first time that week, you had nothing but happy thoughts and you hoped to keep it that way.

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