Makoto Tachibana X !Short !Chubby !Gender Neutral Reader - Height Requirement

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You thought the height difference was ridiculous, but Makoto thought it was adorable and honestly so did everyone else. Nagisa would constantly pick fun at it and Rei would always spout some scientific nonsense about how this was a sign you both were made for each other. Haru would just smile whenever you two were around- happy to see you two with each other.

You both were happy and in love with one another and it showed. You were afraid at first that he wouldn't like you because of your weight- you weren't thin in the slightest and since Makoto was built, the constant fear of rejection hung over your head.

Though, once he confessed to you, those insecurities became a distant memory and you were finally able to move on with your new life with Makoto.

Having been together for over three years, you both were comfy with each other and you both had a sort of routine together and this Saturday night was no different. Makoto was staying over at your apartment like he did every other weekend and it was movie night and you were preparing snacks for the film.

As the popcorn was popping away, you were on your tip toes, trying to reach for a bowl to put the fresh snack in, but of course you were too short to grab it. With both arms up in the air, you were jumping up and down trying your hardest to reach for the bowl.

A laugh startled you from your mission. Turning around, your boyfriend was leaning against the entryway, arms crossed and a smile on his face.

"Don't mind me, I was enjoying the show." Huffing up, your hands went to your plump waist as you gave him a look.

"You could help me out if you want."

Walking over to him, you got on your tip toes and gave him a kiss on his jaw, not being able to reach his cheek. One of his large hands clasped onto your plush hip and pulled you closer to his toned chest.

"I could, but it looked like you had it handled honey."

Being cheeky with you, he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head.

"I mean, I was, but it would be so much easier if you helped me. If you do, I see an award for you in the very near future." You trailed a finger down the curve of his neck, feeling a shiver run through him.

"Exactly how near in the future are we talking here?"

Beckoning him down, he bent down so you could be eye to eye with your giant of a boyfriend. Whispering in his ear, "Before the movie, very near future. If you're up for it that is." He gave out a chuckle and placed a chaste kiss on your plump lips.

"I like the sound of that. Don't worry (y/n), your savior is here." Giving you a wink, he stood back up and made his way over and easily grabbed the bowl from the top.

Yes, you both were on different levels when it came to height, but your relationship was on the same level and for that you were grateful.

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