!Yandere Makoto Tachibana X !Chubby Reader Headcanons

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-Makoto is a sweet yandere. Like overly sweet, sometimes to the point of being a bit cringe in some instances.

-He'd become your friend first. You were so adorable to him. It was like love at first sight for him. You looked so supple, warm and welcoming.

-Making sure you have lunch when you go to work, checking on you to make sure you don't burn yourself out when it comes to work life and your personal life.

-Knows that it'll take time for you to open up and get closer to him. He's willing to wait and take his time. He's a patient man and he's going to stick to his carefully crafted plan.

-"(Y/N)-chan, if you need to talk about anything, you know I'm here for you, right? No matter when you need to talk, I'll always be there." Soon, you're going to Makoto after every terrible date, getting stood up, every bad day at work and anything else that went wrong.

-Little did you know that he was what caused some aspects, more specifically, your dating life to be terrible. He'd stalk and track down your dates and threaten each and every one of them. That's the reason you were getting stood up date after date.

-To you though, Makoto was your savior, he was there when nobody else was and he always took care of you when you complained about another failed date. He'd hold you tight as you cried and rambled about the date. Running his large hands up and down your back, tracing the bumps and rolls that he adores he just gives you comfort.

-"They're not good enough for you (Y/N)-Chan, you deserve nothing but the best. Don't worry, I'm sure the right person is close than you think.

-"Keeps tabs on you through the day. How though? Easy, he's been to your office a few times and when you weren't looking he put small hidden cameras in your cubical so he knew exactly where and what you were doing at all times.

-He'd make mental notes on specific men that would be getting too close to you and made sure to pay them a special visit and soon enough, they wouldn't visit you anymore at your cubical. Everything was going according to plan. Soon enough, he was the only one you really talked to. Your other friends shut you out and it was thanks to Makoto unbeknownst to you. 

-"You were too good for any of them (Y/N), you still have me and that's all you need. You're amazing and I hope you know that."

-Isolating you away from family and friends was only the first part of his plan, the next was to get you to move in with him.

-He had to scare you out of your current apartment and soon he started to 'break-in' to your place and making it look like someone ransacked your place. After a few times of this happening, the only one you had to turn to was Makoto who offered his place.

-"It's not problem (Y/N), you need a safe place to stay, there's nowhere safer than with me." Once you were moved in and settled, he'd start to make moves on you so to speak. Gently touching your waist, arms, any part he can touch without raising much suspicion.

-It did get harder for him once you got comfy around him and the house. Walking about in comfy clothing and in a sense more revealing clothing, clothing he wasn't used to see you wearing. His eyes would linger on the softness that would spill over the tops of your shorts, or how soft and squishy your arms looked in short sleeves or thank tops. You were so damn cute and you didn't even know it.

-When you relax, you're in your own little world and he adored watching you like that. You'd lay on the couch to relax and unwind and when you'd stretch, your cute stomach would show. He could feel his pants tighten at the exposed skin you unintentionally showed. After months of taking care of his problems as you pranced around the house in your clothing, he had enough.

-One night during a movie night, he had his arms slung around your shoulders as usual. As a romantic scene appeared, that was his cue to move in. Pulling you closer to him, he felt you stiffen up a bit.

-"Don't be shy (Y/N)-Chan, we both want this, right?" Before you could answer, he captured your lips with his, large hands gripping your soft, doughy waist as he effortlessly lifted you up and onto his lap as the kiss continued. He felt your arms wrap around his neck as you deepened the kiss. Breaking the kiss, he groaned as he felt you start to rut against his thigh.

-"My pretty (Y/N)-Chan is so cute and desperate, I'll give you what you want only if you're good, you'll be good, right (Y/N)?" After that movie night, Makoto would be more strict, only letting you out of the house for work and to go out on dates and grocery shop with him.

-Would show PDA almost to the point of taking you on any surface available for all to see. You would get embarrassed and try to tell him to stop, but he'd only smile and remind you were were being good for him.

-Makoto would eventually convince you to quit your job and stay home. He'd always remind you that he'll take care of you no matter what. 

-"My sweet (Y/N) doesn't need to burn themselves out with work, I'll take care of you forever."

-Just like that, he had you. You were his forever. No friends or family to reach out to you, no job for you to go to. It was just you and him, the way it should've always been.

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