Prince Soma X !Chubby !Female Reader - Marriage

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That's what you felt right now and you had good reason to.

You were about to get married. Oh yes, possibly the biggest day of your entire life and it was taking place at this very moment. Gulping down some of your nerves, you took one last look at yourself in the mirror.

You looked stunning and that was the absolute truth. The white dress looked amazing on you and even covered some 'problem areas' you didn't like, but Soma adored.

He always did. He'd tell you everyday just how perfect and lovely you were and that was just the beginning of it all.

Giving a light laugh, you smoothed the front of your dress, your tummy still poking out a little which made you smile. You didn't hate it, no. You actually liked it and the loud prince made you realize that.

A knock at the giant Oak door broke you from your train of thought as Elizabeth came springing in; a giant smile on her face as she stared at you. Her eyes practically sparkled as she took you in. "Oh (Y/N)..." Grinning at your friend, you gave a little twirl and carefully walked toward her, ready to walk down the aisle.

"Are you ready dear?" Taking a deep breath and exhaling all the silly nerves that were still fluttering around inside you, you nodded.

She practically dragged you down the giant halls of Somas palace eager to see true love tie the knot as she kept saying through the whole wedding planning process.

Spotting Ciel ahead, she booked it on full speed and you made it to him in record time. "Lizzy, (Y/N)'s in a wedding dress, you can't drag her around like that." The young man scolded the girl who only smiled and gave your hand a squeeze before going through the door to take her seat.

"Are you ready?" Seeing Ciel with his hand toward you, you nodded grabbing onto your long time friends hand. He was going to walk you down the aisle and you couldn't ask for anyone better.

The music started. The doors opened. It. Was. Time. You and Ciel started walking, all eyes on you as you gazed upon the front where Soma stood in all his glory and smile lighting up his face, his gaze focused on you and you alone.

"You know, if the fool does anything to hurt you...Sebastian will be there in a moment." Smiling at the worry your friend expressed you just clutched his hand tighter as you made it halfway to the front.

"I'll keep that in mind Ciel, but I think I'll be fine." He let a rare smile spread on his face. 

"You're right, the fool loves you dearly, he adores you with every fiber of his being. Well, here's your stop." The wise crack made you grin as he kissed your cheek and moved your hand from his hold to Somas.

Stepping up fully, you stood across the love of your life. You both have been through such an adventure and another was about to begin.

"You look absolutely beautiful as always my love." The smile still on his face, he clutched your hand a bit tighter afraid if he'd let go, you'd vanish. You could see the formation of tears at the corner of his eyes as you smiled. He was so good to were so lucky and so was he.

"We are gathered here today..." While the ceremony droned on, Soma and yourself just couldn't break your gazes away from one another and you knew that the rest of your lives together will always feel like this and that was something you were truly grateful for.

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