Yuuri X!Chubby !Female Reader (With Viktor) - Frightful Hugs

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Honestly, this movie wasn't Yuuri's first choice. Yours either for that matter.

At all.

You both usually went for romantic comedies or the classic chick flick movies because you both were total scardy cats when it came to horror movies, but your friends have been bugging the both of you to watch the new horror movie on Netflix so that's what you both decided on for date night.

Even though both of you were dreading it.

"Okay, blankets, pillows, snacks, drinks and...each other!" Your cheery voice filtered through the living room as you ran through the usual movie night check list making sure you both had everything before you pressed play.

The skater only hummed in acknowledgement and pulled you down onto the couch, wrapping his arms around your plump form. Even though he was embarrassed when it came to public displays of affection, it wasn't you of course, it was just him and his anxiety; so public was a no go. However, once you both were alone, he turned the affection onto full blast.

"No way buddy, you can't charm me out of this one." You laughed as his hands caressed your soft sides, his fingers lightly grazing the protruding flesh causing you to squirm and laugh at the ticklish sensation if brought on.

He only smiled, eyes glancing to your lips for brief moment before leaning in. "Not even if I kissed you?" Leaning in more, he captured your lips with his, arms winding around your middle, pulling you closer to him, your soft body pressed against his.

You knew he was trying to charm his way out of watching this damn movie and as much as you loved that idea, you both had to watch it and even his lips weren't going to distract you. Pulling away before the kiss could get anymore heated, you grabbed the remote and snuggling against Yuuri's side.

He sighed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. Throwing a blanket over the both of you, you settled back into his side. "You saw through my little plan, huh?" You scoffed. "It wasn't that hard babe, besides after this horrible movie, I'm all yours." Giving his cheek a kiss you both turned your attention to the screen as you hit the play button.

"What?! No, don't fucking go in there, you idiot, no!"

You hide your face in the crook of your boyfriend's neck as the horrid sounds of slashing and screaming erupted through the speakers making the both of you turn away from the screen, his arms squeezing your soft form as a form of protection against what was happening on screen.

Yuuri wasn't going to lie, he loved that you were clinging to him like this. Showing him you were going to him for protection and the way you hugged him when you were scared and hiding against him, just really boosted his confidence and made him hold you tighter, but then again, he was scared as all hell too.

He looked away when you did too, it was more horrible than he thought. Too much blood, screaming, it was awful and you were only halfway through the horrid movie.

"Why hello there, you love birds!"

You both screamed in horror as a voice piped up from the dark hallway by your front door. Yuuri scrambled to get in front of you as you were behind him wielding the remote as a weapon since it was the only thing near you both.

The light to the living room snapped on as Viktor came through, brow raised at how he was greeted by his friends. "Why are you screaming, what happened?" The pro skater looked around thinking something bad was happening as you both visibly relaxed.

"You scared the shit out of us Viktor! We're watching this awful horror movie and you just waltz in. We thought you were a killer!" Your voice was panicked as Yuuri rubbed your arm, but he was still shaken up too.

"My apologies, but now that you know I'm not a killer, can I join? I love horror movies!" He clapped his hands in excitement as Yuuri and yourself looked at each other smiles spreading across your faces.

"Be our guest." Yuuri gestured to have him sit in the middle of the couch which he happily took, eager to watch the movie.

In the end, both you and Yuuri were clinging to Viktor who remained unfazed by the gore, screams and death of it all. He just sat there with a giant smile on his face as the movie continued to play all the while you and Yurri were clinging to Viktor for protection. Let's just say you both won't be watching another horror movie for awhile and Viktor won't be letting you both forget that both of you were clinging to him throughout the remainder of the movie.

Smug bastard. 

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