Rei Ryugazaki X !Chubby Reader - Body Positive [Drabble]

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He didn't mean to be so forward, it just happened.

After getting home from work and finding you in your guys' shared bedroom putting yourself down as you poked and prodded yourself in the full length mirror, something in him snapped and he rushed to your side scaring you from his sudden intrusion.

Large hands found themselves on your exposed hips, long fingers massaging the supple flesh that adorned your curves. "Please stop saying those things (Y/N), it's not true." His hands slid forward onto your stomach, the soft flesh sinking in between his fingers. "I love you (Y/N), please remember that."

His lips latched onto your neck, trailing kisses and nips along the curve of it. Soon, he was marking your neck and collar bone, latching onto certain spots, spots he knew would get a reaction out of you as mewls and moans slipped out of you, plush body wiggling in his grip as desire coursed through your body.

Rei continued to leave marks not only on your neck, but all over your now trembling body as he said words of praise after each new mark was placed. You knew he meant every word he said, he always did and you were happy and grateful he was helping you.

His eyes trailed your body, signs of his marking showing up in the form of purple bruise like spots becoming visible. Each mark symbolized an aspect he adored about you. "Thank you Rei...I love you." Leaving a tender kiss on your lips, he wrapped his arms around you and just held you in his embrace.

"I love you too (Y/N), all of you...always."

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