Thomas (Pocahontas) X !Chubby !Native Reader: Secret Meetings [NSFW]

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Anon asked: Hello! Could I ask for Thomas (the red head from Pocahontas) having another meet up with a curious chubby native girl please! Bonus points if it's nsfw too!


It was early.

So early that the sun was not even up yet. It was when they usually met, your tribe was still asleep and so were his was your guys' little getaway. The tribe has been monitoring everyone even more since Pocahontas started to meet with John Smith.

Of course, you kept to yourself, you weren't outspoken like Pocahontas, you kept to yourself a lot and in this instance, you were glad. Nobody would notice if you slipped away, having a teepee to yourself and always keeping an eye on your surroundings, you were stealthy despite your heavier stature. Quietly slipping from your teepee, you briskly and silently made your way to the forests edge, careful to not step on any leaves or sticks that would alert anyone on watch.

Thomas should be there already, he was always early. Claiming he couldn't wait to see her, hold her, many sweet words that made her tan skin flush. She first met him when he accompanied John Smith one day. He noticed you off to the side as you quietly observed the white men and their clothing and mannerisms. They intrigued you and you didn't even think twice about his eyes that were lingering on you. Your mind went to him just looking at another one of the tribes girls that was behind you, but glancing back, you were the only one in his line of sight.

When John Smith and Pocahontas started to move through the tribes camp, many followed, and the rest went back to their chores leaving the red headed man unattended and you still hesitant about what was happening. Glancing back, nobody was paying attention to the both of you which was good, you were very curious about this man.

"Hello," the voice startled you, your soft frame jumping up before a smooth laugh followed your actions. Turning back around, your eyes locked with his, as he had his hand out toward you. Puzzled you only cocked your head to the side clearly confused by his actions.

"It's a hand shake. Where I come from, when we tell each other who we are, we grasp each other's hands and give it a's like saying hello." Pondering his words, you gave a nod before extending your own hand out, grasping his own. "I'm (Y/N), daughter of the Powhatan tribe." He smiled at you.

"Beautiful name, my name is Thomas from Jamestown, it's wonderful to meet you." With that, he gave you soft, chubby hand a firm shake before letting go.

That's what started a wonderful friendship between you both. He would ask you questions about your Tribe which you gladly answered, telling him about your family, what you did for the tribe, what your ceremonies mean and what kind of God's you believed in. In turn, he told you what Jamestown had, what they were building, what his customs were and what he did in his settlement. Of course, you both started to talk about one another, what each other liked to do, what you wanted to do and fulfill in your lives.

The more you met up, the closer you both got to one another. All the time you spent with him, started a build up of feelings. The closer you got with him and he seemed to enjoy it as well. He'd hold your soft hand, hug you, hold you to him, in some way he touched you and held you as much as he could and when he had to let go he didn't want to. He voiced that many times as he reluctantly unwound his arms from your soft, supple frame.

Lately, talks of marriage came from both of you. Him talking about having children with you, how cute they would be and how even more adorable you'd be carrying his child. The mere thought not only made you flush, but made you want that. You knew many wouldn't approve, but this was your life, you wanted wanted Thomas and he wanted you.

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