Vash With a S/O that has anxiety (Headcanons)

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When it comes to you, he's always keen on observing your behaviors, even though he may not act like it.

Picks up pretty quickly that you get closed off in certain situations and kind of 'shut down' in a sense. It's happened multiple times.

Vash is a caring man and when he sees you like that it hurts his heart. He never wants you to go through anything painful, mentally, physically or emotionally. "I'm here for you (Y/N), always." He doesn't know what you go through and he's not going to pretend he does either. He just wants you to know that he will be there for you, through anything and he's someone you can rely on when you need him.

"What can I do to help you?" It doesn't matter what the request is, even if it might sound silly to you, it's not silly to him, anything to help you he's ready to do. If he knows there's something particular that you usually ask for he'll get it right away or a specific request you always bring up, that's his go to, but no matter what he'll always listen to what you say.

No matter where you guys are at, he'll always take you to a quieter place so you can calm down and talk to him. Sometimes he'll suggest a walk so you can clear your head, or even your favorite music to listen to, ones that he knows will help you.

The first time Vash saw you have a panic attack, he freaked out and he was honestly not that great of help. After it passed, you explained to him what happened and how long it might last and what he could do to help.

Now when he sees you going through a panic attack, the first thing he does is try to get you to stop and breathe.

He'll do breathing exercises with you, making sure that you shift your attention to him as he coaches you through it.

After you have regained your breathing and calmed down a bit, he'll usher you to the bedroom where he'll make sure you're comfy on the bed while he gives you positive affirmations to lift your spirit up.

"It's okay (Y/N), you're the toughest person I know and I'm so proud of you and don't you ever forget that."

Will always focus your attention on something else after you come down from your panic attack. Whether it's a game, a new television show or just talking to him.

It's honestly usually the ladder. He'll be cuddling you, running his hands up and down your back as he recounts a funny story of his or it's just you both talking about your guys' future.

Overall, Vash is the most caring and understanding man when it comes to these type of situations. He always values your well being and he's going to do whatever it takes to make sure you're absolutely okay.

"Of course I'll do whatever I can for you (Y/N), I love you silly, now come here so I can show you how much I love you." 

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