Germany and Italy Comforting an Anxious S/O

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Anon asked: Heyo! Can i request some headcannons how germany and italy would comfort an anxious s/o?


-Easily picks up on how anxious you are.

-If you're around people or at a gathering, you both will leave so you can feel more comfortable.

-If you're alone with Ludwig, he'll quickly make a room dark, most likely your shared bedroom so it'll help you calm down.

-Once the room's dark, he'll usher you onto the bed where he'll hold you to him in silence.

-Strokes your head and rubs your back.

-Doesn't talk much, knows that'll make it worse and hope that the silence and dark and his warmth will help ease your mind.

-Will lay there as long as you want, you're his number one priority.

-If it takes more time, he'll even cancel training with the other countries to take care of you.

-He wants to make sure you're absolutely fine before he leaves and refuses to leave if he knows you're not.


-Is very oblivious to when you do get anxious.

-Usually takes him a while to pick up on it, but once he does he makes sure to look out for the signs.

-If you're around people or at a gathering, he's quickly ushering you out while shouting goodbyes because he's super worried.

-If you're alone with Feli, he dims the lights in the living room and grabs the fluffiest blanket you guys have and wraps you in it and has you lay against his chest.

-Hums gently to you while stroking your head in hopes of easing you.

-Will tell you stories from his childhood and past to try and make you feel comfortable and to get you to laugh.

-Doesn't mind laying there for hours if need be, he'll occupy himself with running his hands down your body and will shower you in compliments.

-No matter how long it takes, he won't leave your side, wants to make sure you're okay and you feel better.

Various X Reader [Multi-Fandom Book]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt