Law, Zoro and Ace's !Plus Size !Female S/O announcing they're pregnant

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When he first found out that you were pregnant, he spat out his sake since you decided it was a great time to tell him while he was taking a drink.
Wouldn't say anything for a few minutes, still trying to process what you said was accurate.
"Z-Zoro, are you going to say anything?"
He'd pull you to him without warning, crushing you to his chest and leaving kisses up the curve of your neck."I"m happy (Y/N), thank you."
A few months would pass and you had gotten bigger than you already were, you honestly felt like a balloon at this point. An ugly one at that.
Zoro would notice your odd behavior: adding more layers, trying to conceal your stomach where your guys' child was growing. It didn't set right with him.
You both would be in bed one night when he brought it up."(Y/N), you're acting weird, why?" He was always blunt and straight to the point which you loved, but you felt the nervousness filling your gut, or maybe that was just the baby kicking you, either way, it was unpleasant.
"I-I just feel so ugly like this... I feel like a balloon, I'm happy I'm having our baby, but I just wish I felt beautiful while I was, but I don't Zoro."His hands would rub your bulging belly gently.
"You are (Y/N), you're always beautiful, I mean, you're gorgeous all the fucking time."
His words, though crude, in a way made you feel better, he was a man that showed you what he felt and by the way his touches were going south, you knew how the rest of the night was going to go.


"I'm gonna be a dad!!"Ace's booming voice practically echoed off the Moby Dick as the rest of the crew started cheering and celebrating the news.
You just announced the news that you were with child - Ace's child.
Having been part of the crew for three years, you got very close to the second commander himself and soon, a love blossomed from it.
You were sitting at a table near pops and your love, his arms slung around your plush waist as he pulled you as close as he could. He never liked not being able to touch you, but now that he heard the news, his hands were on you every second he could.
"We're going to be parents, I'm so excited (Y/N), God, I love you so damn much... I hope you know that." He whispered those words into your ear, hands reaching around a bit more to stroke your soft belly."I am too Ace, I know you'll be an amazing father."
He gave you a deep kiss before answering, "You'll be an amazing mother too, (Y/N)."A few months down the road, you were more round, rounder than you would've liked, but Ace, he kept praising you, but you didn't feel like his words were true, you only believed the mirror.Ace was an airhead sometimes, but he knew you and you were acting out of character, you'd pull away from his touches, kisses, he could hardly get near you without you running off and not to mention the clothing you'd try to hide behind. It was a habit he thought he helped you overcome.
One morning when you both were getting ready in your room, he decided to speak up."(Y/N), please tell me why you're acting so different... I love you."
Shrugging, you started to get up only to have Ace grip your arm, pulling you back down. "Please." Sighing, you turned to him and grabbed his hand."I just haven't felt pretty these last few months. Don't get me wrong Ace, I love you and I love our baby growing inside me, but... I wish I was so damn big. I mean, I was already big without a baby inside me, now I just feel like a balloon."
Your words hurt Ace. He was sad you didn't see how pretty you were like this: round and glowing with your guys' child."(Y/N), you're always pretty, even right now, especially right now, round and glowing with our baby... honestly, pretty doesn't describe you; you're so much more than that and I want you to see that."Ace's words were touching and from the heart, something you loved greatly and you were happy he was by your side. Gently yanking you onto your back, you both were about to be in bed the rest of the day and you were perfectly fine with that.


You didn't mean to tell him at the dinner table with the rest of the crew present, but he knew you were keeping something from him and the words just kind of spilled out of you.
(Y/N)-ya, come with me now." Gulping, you nodded, knowing Law was taking you to his exam room because he needed to test you himself just to make sure it was accurate. You didn't blame him, he was the type of man to study something and test it before believing it. After some anxious time, he came back into the room with a neutral look on his face, then again, he was never the easiest man to read.
"It's true, you are pregnant..." His voice trailed off as you shuffled a bit in your seat.
"A-Are you happy?" His lack of emotion on his face was making your nervous, afraid he'd cast you and your child away.You were suddenly wrapped in a hug and picked up off the seat you were in. With his face hidden in the crook of your neck, you felt some wetness upon your neck.
"Of course I am (Y/N)-ya, we'll be a family... a real family."
Putting you down, he still held onto you, still not believing that his life was this great and you were happy to give him his well deserved happiness.After some months, you started growing larger and rounder, body swollen and hobbling from one room to another. You felt so gross.
Law of course noticed your odd behavior and already deduced why you were acting this way and he needed you to get back to your regular self because he missed it."(Y/N)-ya," He was at his desk working on paperwork while you were in a chair, catching up on a book. Looking up, you marked your book and turned your full attention to Law. "Yes?"
"I know why you've been acting strange these past few weeks." You felt yourself stiffen up at his words. "Your beautiful in every way, like this too, healthy and round with a child on the way. You've always been great, I just wish you'd see that."His words, even though, blunt and maybe not that romantic, did make you feel better, but Law was better with showing you how he felt instead of telling you and by the smirk on his face, was going to show you a lot.

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