2P Spain X !Chunky !Female Reader - First Date

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Twirling around in front of the full length mirror for the umpteenth time, you gave a small smile of approval on your appearance. You had to make sure it was absolutely picture perfect for your date with your long time friend, Andres.

It all came as a surprise when he sauntered up to you one day after classes at the university you attended and basically demanded you to accept the offer of dinner. Andres was always shitty when it came to social situations, but you could also tell the young, Spaniard was nervous as hell too.

"You've been stressing over everything lately, but no tonight. You're going to dinner with me and make sure you doll up, because it'll be a high class place. I'll be by around 7 to get you, see you soon nena (babe)."

You've known Andres for years and you never really knew that he held feelings for you before. Yes, he'd drop the occasional flirting phrases here and there, but overall, you never saw yourself as 'his type' per say.

You had a vastly different body shape than the girls he grew up around and it wasn't that hard to see the difference either. You were a chunky girl to put it simply, but you never really let that effect you and your life.

You were confident in yourself and carried the weight well and Andres always reassured you that you were pretty and had nothing to worry about, but you always thought he said those things and looked after you because you two were friends and nothing else, but now, maybe it was for a different reason.

Biting your lip at the thought of Andres having romantic feelings for you excited you to the core. I mean, you both already acted like a couple anyway. With him picking you up from classes, him taking you out to relax and standing up to you when the occasional bully comes along.

Heaving a sigh, you glanced at yourself in the mirror one last time as knocking came from your front door. You looked pretty damn good, in your opinion. Wearing a nice black dress that tightened in the middle and other places that accentuated your chunky figure and a nice neckline to show off some of your assets and the white chunky wedges and jewelry really pulled the whole look together.

Grabbing your clutch, you headed to the door, your wedges clanking with each step. Taking a breath before you opened the door, a natural smile made its way to your lips as you turned the handle and revealed Andres in dress clothes and he looked great.

Black slacks and shined black shoes with a plaid button up and a solid black tie completed his look. You could still see the muscles bulging under the fabric of his button up as you licked your lips. "I never knew you owned nice clothes." Teasing the man, you locked the door as he scoffed and eyed your attire. He quickly bit his lip, seeing your gorgeous figure on full display. The dress hugged you so deliciously and all he honestly wanted to do was push you against the door and take you.

It wasn't the first time he wanted to do naughty things like that to you, oh god no. Every fucking day you drove him wild and you never fucking knew. The most innocent of actions you did just riled him up, but he didn't want to mess up the wonderful friendship, but he needed to do something before he couldn't take it anymore. That's why he asked you out for dinner, but seeing you now; he didn't want dinner, he wanted you.

"Well, I never knew you could look so divina (devine) before, (your name)." Blushing at his words, you cleared your throat once more. "So, where are we going Andres?" Said man smirked at your flushed appearance and grabbed your hand gently in his and pulled you along. "You'll see when we get there carino (honey)."

This was to nice... the restaurant to be exact. You knew you've never been to a place like this before and knew Andres never has. This place was like a dream and the food was so amazing.

"H-how'd you even get a reservation at a place like this?" He looked up from his wine glass and sent you a smirk at the sparkle in your eyes as you gazed around the entire place.

"A friend of mine owed me a favor." Taking a sip of the wine, he sat the glass back down and got up, extending his hand to you. Hesitantly, you grabbed it as he pulled you up and steered you in the direction of the dance floor. "Andres! You know I can't dance, what are you doing?" Freaking out, he only laughed and spun you around and back into his arms as slow jazz music started to be played. One hand clutched your chubby one and the other snaked around your plump waist and pulled you closer to his toned form.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to feel you like this?" A blush was evident on your chubby cheeks as you only shook your head still not believing that this was happening to you right now. "I-I never knew you liked me other than a friend to be honest." Andres laughed at the comment and boldly planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

Leaning down to your ear he whispered, "Desde que te conocí no hago nada más que pensar en ti" ( Since I met you I do nothing else except think of you). Biting your lip again, you looked into his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me all of this before?" You two continued to sway and move across the dance floor gently. "I didn't want to fuck up our friendship, but god damnit (your name), the things you do to me, I just couldn't take it anymore."

The music ended as some patrons clapped and asked for an encore, but Andres quickly pulled you out of the fancy establishment, finished with dinner and dancing. Confused, you pulled him into a nearby ally and pushed him against the brick wall, a look of surprise adorned his face.

"What the hell is wrong with you Andres? Why'd you just leave like that?" He only looked off to the side, refusing to answer you. "Look...I've always liked you Andres and...and I thought you'd never like me, you know, romantically because of my weight. I..I thought I wasn't good enough for you, but then you started flirting with me daily and it gave me some hope, but there was always that bit of doubt that I'd never be enough for you. So, I just stuck with being friends because that still meant I could see you everyday." Sighing a bit after pouring your heart out to Andres, you turned to leave only to have a large hand grab your arm and pull you in closer.

"How many times do I have to tell you, you're fine the way you are (your name), your weight has nothing to do with this at all. The only thing I can think of that would be connected with your weight is how hard I can fuck you, with that encanta (softness) I can fuck you hard and for hours and not worry about you breaking." A blush appeared on Andres face as he grasped your shoulders and cleared his throat.

"T-that's besides the point, anyway, I like you for you, (your name). Your weight has noting to do with why I like you, alright? You've always been there for me and I'll always beat the fuckers who hurt you, you can count on that. I need this to be real corazon (sweetheart.)"

You felt a huge smile spread across your face as your arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him down a bit as you planted a kiss on his cheek. "It can be real Andres, but I need to know one thing." He let out a breathy 'yes' as you giggled a bit before answering, "Exactly how hard do you think you can fuck me?" Pressing your black dress clad chest against his toned one, you felt his breath hitch from the contact.

A smirk slowly formed on Andres lips as his hands wrapped around your waist and traveled downwards, grabbing your ass in both of his hands. "I always knew there was a naughty side to you (your name), but to answer your question, I don't really know until we test it out, but I'm sure I can fuck you pretty hard mi princesa (my princess)."

"Well, if you put it like that, I guess we better go and get those tests underway, shouldn't we?" Andres smirked and let out a breathy laugh as he lowered his head and captured your lips in a passion filled kiss. You broke the kiss as a serious look over took your face.

"Would it be a bad time to break out the handcuffs or not?" Andres laughed and ground against you to get your attention back on him. "I knew you were the one (your name)." After his declaration, he pulled you back into a hard kiss as your night was only just starting.

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