The second best part of making cookies was smelling them in the oven. After eating them, of course. 

"I know we've never talked about this, but do you go to church?" Niall asked.

"I did. I went a lot when I was little, but it was really hard to join a new church everywhere we moved. I was going to try and get back into the habit once I started college, but I don't think they would approve of a pregnant 19 year old who's not married," I said, which was all true. 

"What do you want for the baby?" He asked.

"I think it would be good for him to be baptized and go to church when we can," I said. 

"Then he's going to need godparents. Any suggestions?" Niall asked me.

"I think Greg and Denise should be the godparents. I don't really know anybody else that we both know who are Catholic," I said.

"Yeah, I think that would be perfect," he said. "Should we ask them tomorrow?"

"I can't wait," I said. We sat together on the couch and ate the cookies. 

"Can we please take a picture? I'm feeling so cozy," Niall asked. I laughed and I grabbed my phone from the table to take the picture.

"You are the selfie master," I said, handing him my phone as if it were a black belt. He went to sit on the floor and I sat behind him on the couch as he snapped the pic.

"That's a keeper," he said. 

"You're keeper," I said, and gave him a kiss. 

We cleaned up, and then went to bed. As a kid, Christmas eve was the night I never slept, in anticipation of Santa's visit. I didn't want anything more than for it to be morning when I could open my presents. 

But now, as an adult, I took in every minute that I had. It was so perfect and cozy, just the two- well, three- of us. I never wanted to leave, and when I left bed, I would still get to be with him.

In the soft lighting of the morning, everything couldn't have been more perfect. I sent my friends a "Merry Christmas" text, and then Niall and I made tea and gathered around the tree in his living room to exchange presents. 

"Here, you open yours first," he said, handing me a few wrapped boxes. "I wrapped them myself." I blushed at the thought of Niall taking so much time to please me. 

"I hope that these aren't condoms," I said, holding them. 

"I promise they're not," he said. "Open that one first." He pointed to a box resting on my leg. I smiled as I began to unwrap the box.

"Oh my god! You found it!" I said, holding the gift up so I could get a better look. It was 'bellybuds', a sound system for the baby to hear music and voices. "This is so thoughtful, I can't wait to try them out."

"You should bring them to my mum's," he said. "Owen can hear the family for the first time." 

"That will be wonderful," I said. "Okay, now open one of mine," I said. I had got him a lot of stuff that I noticed he needed but he didn't notice he needed, because rich people have that sort of problem.

I got him some golf clubs that he had been talking about, some new clothes, and some picture frames so he could display our life together as we grew. 

"Okay, now open the small box," he said. I took the wrapping paper off, and it was a box for a ring. My first instinct was that it was an engagement ring. I automatically felt tense and awkward, I didn't want to tell him that I wasn't ready to be married, and I didn't want to be engaged and not get married anytime soon.

No offense, Zerrie.

I loved him, but I felt like we hadn't been dating long enough. There wasn't a doubt in my mind right now that I would ever leave him. With the baby, we would always be connected. A baby changes things, and I knew that to know for sure, I would have to wait a bit more.

I forced a smile as I opened it. Niall watched as I held it in my hand. He wasn't getting down on one knee or anything, so I knew it couldn't be an engagement ring, and allowed myself to calm down. 

I opened the box, and there was a ring. I took it out to get a closer look to it. There were three different colored stones. I recognized one to be a sapphire (dark blue), a lighter blue stone, and a diamond.

It had a beautiful ombre effect.

"I've noticed that you don't wear jewelry, but I thought you might like this. Those are each of our birthstones, and the April birthstone, for Owen. It's our family in the form of rocks!" He said. I smiled at the ring, taking in every centimeter of its beauty.

"I don't like jewelry that's dangly or get's in the way, but this is perfect!" I said, slipping the ring on my ring finger. I didn't know how he knew my size, but it fit like a glove. "This is perfect."

"I had my brother pick it up because I knew how suspicious it would look if I was at a ring shop," he said, laughing.

I was still stunned. "I appreciate it," I said genuinely. "I really hope Owen doesn't come too early or late." I laughed to myself. "Now open your last present!"

Niall reached for the last present and unwrapped it. His face lit up when he saw what was inside for him.

"I know that you love to take pictures and want to have them with you, but we can't risk them getting leaked. This way you can take as many pictures as you want, and they're for our eyes only," I said.

I had gotten him a Nikon camera, the best one in the store.

"Thanks so much, Alyssa. It's amazing," he said. He got up to give me a kiss. "Why don't we take a picture now?" He opened the box and took out the camera, holding it like it was as fragile as a newborn baby.

I could only pray that he held our newborn baby with that much care. 

I grabbed his hand as he helped me up, and we stood by the tree as he held the camera with the lens facing us and pressed the button. 

"And now we don't have to worry about it getting leaked," I said smiling. 

"I need some pictures for my new frames!" He said. Niall was as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning. He wouldn't stop laughing and smiling.

Ha ha.

We didn't bother cleaning up after ourselves, we would have plenty of time for that later. We had a lazy morning, but had to get dressed and washed up shortly for the celebration with our family.

I packed a red dress. It had a black belt that wrapped above my bump. I brushed my hair, and chose to wear flats with tights. 

Niall came out of the bathroom looking cute as ever. He dressed up for the occasion, too. 

We both hopped into the car when we were ready, and left to pick up my mom. 

I remembered how petrified I was the last time I was in this position. I was so scared to meet Niall's family and tell them that we were pregnant. 

This time, I was almost jumping up and down in my seat with excitement. I was so happy that our two families would be together as one. This would be my first time seeing them since I've really started showing, and I wanted to catch up with his sister-and-law. 


Hey guys!! Here's the update!
The new wattpad update is really weird.... idk if i like it or not lol

thanks for reading this far and I hope that you like it and choose to continue reading!

Thanks for all the votes, reads, and comments and please continue to do so (:


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