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"Mark, stop pushing buttons! Help is coming." (Y/n) sighed.

Mark was never able to handle his anxiety, especially in their situation; the power had gone out in the elevator. He was fiddling with emergency buttons, his vest, anything that he could get his hands on. (Y/n) took note of his actions, but never knew the quiet operator could get this stressed out over something so minor. It wasn't like they were going to die in here, at least not to (Y/n).

"How long has it been?" Mark's voice was barely audible. She looked up surprised, as he had spoke to her for the first time. (Y/n) pulls out her phone and recalls the time she had dialed 911.

"About seventeen minutes, Mark. They didn't forget us, they have to get the police and the fire department to open the doors." (Y/n) said. Although she tried to reassure him, he was still antsy.

(Y/n) had never known that the stoic and quiet man could get like this. Maybe Doc was the only one who knew? Watching him freakout over something so minor made her pity Mark. She couldn't imagine what his head was like at the moment.

"Hey, Mark, why don't we just sit down?" (Y/n) said softly.

She put her hand on his shoulder to try and give him some comfort, but (Y/n) could feel his muscles tense. His head turned to look at her, but she couldn't read his facial expression since he wore his gas mask. He turned away from her confused face and mumbled an 'ok.'

Mark leaned on the wall of the elevator to slide down it. (Y/n) looked down at his state, the feeling of pity growing stronger, making her stomach twist and churn. Sitting down next to him made her feel awkward. He tucked his knees into his chest, just staring in silence.

The silence was so painful that (Y/n) could hear the soft ringing in her ears. The ringing never stopped and it felt as if the minutes were taking longer and longer to pass. (Y/n) had an urge to put her hands on her ears to deafen it, but Mark spoke up.

"I think they forgot us." Mark whispered. He sounded as if his mind plunged him into despair.

"That's just not true, Mark." She put her hand on his shoulder again, "They're coming for us, I promise you."

Mark nearly jumped out of his skin to her hand. It felt so gingerly on his tense muscles, as if she really did care about his state. He was so glad that he kept his mask on, because he could feel the tears form in his eyes.

Deep down Mark was scared. He had never been in this situation before and didn't understand why it had to happen to him. Why it had to happen in the same elevator as (Y/n). He felt so nervous around her in such a small space, if the rest of the S.A.S saw this they would tease Mark to embarrassment.

"Mark, you're shaking." (Y/n)'s voice broke him from his thoughts. He didn't even realize that he was shaking.

"Mark, are you claustrophobic?" (Y/n) asked. He didn't want to admit his one weakness to her, so he looked down in shame. (Y/n) took note. She wanted to help him feel better, but was scared if he rejects her.

(Y/n) shook her head and went for it, pulling him into her chest while rubbing his back and arm. Mark was shocked, but never protested. The sudden action helped him calm down from the waves of anxiety that kept attacking his insides.

(Y/n) checked the time again, an hour had passed since the call for help. Mark's head was in her lap now. She sighed, wondering if Mark was right. It shouldn't have taken this long, right?

She looked down to Mark's head. He took off his gas mask awhile ago, to reveal his puffy red eyes. He had just fallen asleep not too long ago. (Y/n) felt honored, in a way, to see his face and hear his voice. It was such a rare moment that she knew she would cherish.

Mark looked so peaceful sleeping, even through their situation. His dirty blond hair was a cute mess, she almost felt like touching it, but knew it would wake him.


Mark and (Y/n) jumped at the sudden noise. Sparks were shooting through the middle of the doors as Mark scrambled to put his gas mask back on. The saw forced the elevator to shake, making them fall back over.

"We're opening the door!" A man yelled out.

The firefighters jaws of life forced open the doors to reveal red, blue, and white lights. The piercing noise of police cars and ambulance sounded endless. The firefighters had pulled them out of the elevator, to reveal the scene that elevator caused. Almost every operator was there watching the scene unfold, some joyful they made it out, some staring in shock.

Gustave and the S.A.S. jogged up to them already engaging them with questions. Doc pulled mute away from the small group, probably to ask him medical related questions. The S.A.S. crew asked (Y/n) what had happened, but it was hard for her to focus knowing Gustave pulled Mark away from them.

Before everyone went back to where they came from, Mark walked up to (Y/n).

"(Y/n), I think I love you."

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