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        "Just.. s-stay the hell away from me."

        Her body was shaking with fear, inching closer into a corner as a man continued to walk to her. The warning she gave was empty and didn't phase the man. In fact, it only enticed him to be closer to her.

        Unbeknownst to her, she knew who this was, but couldn't identify him because of his mask.

        "Please, get away from me!" She cried once more. Her back hit the wall; despair washing over her in waves. Sliding down the wall, she shrieked as the masked man towered over her and yanked her up by her wrist. 

        "I'm begging you, let me go!" 

        None of this mattered anymore, Dominic was over it all. He watched from the sidelines for months witnessing his own best friend get with (Y/n). Because of this he couldn't let Elias have (Y/n). She was supposed to be his girl, not Elias'.

        "Please, I won't tell anyone what you did! I-I promise!" She tried to escape his grasp, occasionally looking at him with glossy, pleading eyes.

        Her constant pleads weren't enough to stop his actions. His emotions are in control now.

        Glancing over his shoulder, he could see the now lifeless corpse of what was once his best friend. Beaten and lying in a pool of his own blood. A few shots wasn't satisfying enough. While Elias choked on his own blood, Dominic wanted him to suffer more. The rage and emotions were practically shouting for him to stomp on his body and crush his skull. (Y/n) was forced to watch the merciless torture or rather Elias' death.


        "You know," he turned to face her, "you looked so good tonight too." This was the first time he spoke through the entire torture.

        Her glossy eyes shot up in recognition, eyes still trying to find answers. The confusion and pain was visible in her eyes.

        "Dominic? Why.. why are you doing this!" (Y/n) shouted. Now she was trying to fight back against his strong grip on her wrist. The fruitless efforts only made (Y/n) look more weak under Dominic's control.

        "Because," he paused to bring her close to his face, "if I can't have have you, no one can."

        Before she could protest, he placed his gun under her chin and fired. Dominic's arm swung back to his side, as he let go of her body like it was a rag doll. 

        The insanity was kicking in. He couldn't help himself from looking at what he'd done. Looking back and forth from their corpses to his gun, voices rang like alarms. Dominic let out a chuckle and brings his gun up to his face.

        Do it. DO IT. 



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