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Based Jojo part 5 Italian gang obligation.

        Adriano had a weird sensation when you walked by him. No doubt about it, ever since you became the newbie, Adriano liked you. The rest of our little gang, that felt so much like a family, knew you were both reliable and overall enjoyable.

        Before (Y/n) came to be, Maestro's only other companion was none-other than Aria "Alibi" herself. He did not care to talk with many of the other gang members, each day was the same anyways. A few arguments, complete missions, and lounge around till the pay comes. But a new member struck high interest in all of the members.

        "May I ask what kind of mission requires us to look high class?" I asked over the sounds of the radio.

        "We are to blend in with our surroundings, (Y/n). I'll go over the mission once again: we infiltrate the enemy, Passione, rob them and kill their boss. Now, if someone catches us in the act, what do we do?" Adriano took a glance in my direction before looking at the road once more.

        "Knock them unconscious?" I caught his gaze.

        "No! For the last time we're not soft, you kill 'em (Y/n). Got it?" Adriano huffed.

        "All right, all right. I was only kidding Adrian." I snorted as he parked the car nearly a block away from the mansion.

        "I told you to stop calling that." He growled, closing the door and walking off.

         The mission was simple: just go in, act normal, then fuck some shit up. Simple, right? Well, I hope so. I haven't really been on too many missions with Adriano, but to say the least he was definitely the most entertaining and comfortable to be around. I only hoped that no one would notice us, being recognized is my only fear.

        Walking up the mansions steps in silence, I noticed just how ridiculous this whole place looked. How much money did this dude have to flaunt? I swear, the front door alone could be made of gold. "Welcome, you are just in time! Boss is about to give a speech!" A man with jet black hair greeted us. I thanked him and kept close to Adriano, my nerves killing me.

        "Good evening signora, what might your name be?" A tall blond man greeted me with a kiss to my left hand.

        "O-Oh uh, I'm Gaia." I lied as I tried to take my hand back. I could tell Maestro didn't like this interaction at all.

        "What a lovely name. Your perfume smells outstanding." The man tugged my hand once more to his face, this time Maestro taking action. Adriano tugged my shoulder forcing me away from the vigilante.

        "Sorry, I couldn't stand that stronzo anymore than I had to." Adriano laughed as he still had his hand on my shoulder. I laughed and thanked him as we made our way to the meeting hall where mostly everyone attending was gathered. Their boss stood out like a sore thumb, prancing around as the typical rich guy. As he finished his half-assed speech about being proud of his team, most of the members parted ways or went to the boss directly complimenting him. It was an odd and painful sight to see.

        "Are you ready for this, (Y/n)? If we go through this well, this may just gain you more rep." Adriano whispered as his eyes were deadlocked on their leader.

        "I don't care for reputation, Adriano. I'm scared about this mission. I have some faith we can make this through." I deadpanned as I dozed off, eyeing the crowd. "When do we strike?" I looked up to him.

        "As soon as more than half leave. Patience is key." He sipped his champagne. I sighed as I checked my phone that read: 22:57. Patience may be key, but I am sure as hell losing it listening to this man be full of himself.

        I brought my other hand to my hip, which grazed the carefully tucked away 1911 that laid under the waist band of my dress. I had on a dress which revealed my right leg that went all the way up to my thigh. I would never be caught dead in this attire, but it did make me feel sexy. Not until all the looks came upon me. Needless to say, Adriano did take a few peeks in my direction. Although he still looked amazing in a tuxedo.

        Eventually an hour passes, with nearly all of the members leaving, our time was now. As the boss took his sweet time to share goodbyes, he made his way to his room. I looked over to Adriano signaling it was time. He nodded as we began to quietly maneuver to the room he was headed. We both had our backs to the door with guns drawn.

        "Orders are to kill him and hide the evidence. Quick and easy, my friend. I also expect you to stay alive, those are orders from me." Adriano winked at me, causing me to blush and roll my eyes. "On 3 we bust in."




        With as much force my heals and his boots could muster we kicked down the door, guns glued to the enemies face. "Let's make this easy shall we?" Maestro chuckled.

        "I knew you weren't familiar in the slightest! Gua-" I cut him off short by hitting him in the jaw with the butt of my gun. He quickly recovered and took a hold of my waist, fighting me for my weapon.

        "Fuck off, this.. isn't yours-!" I gasped as he tore the gun from my hands and pointed it at my head. I trembled as I faced Adriano with my own weapon against my head. The man held my hands against my back.

        "If you touch me, she dies!" He spat at Adriano.

        "Oh c'mon (Y/n), I gave you orders!" Was he really joking right now? I'm at gun point!

        "Seriously?! I guess I have to do everything myself!" I thrashed and kicked his shins causing him to loosen his grip. To my advantage I kneed him in the groin, only for Adriano to shoot him the head. "Christ, you barely missed me." I sighed leaning over to pick up my gun.

        "Listen (Y/n), I'm sorry I let my guard down. If you didn't pull that stunt, I would have lost you." Adriano's voice lowered as he put his hand on my back. "I should have made the first attack, I'm so sorry."

        "Calm down, I'm okay. We're lucky that I can fight, right Adrian?" I put my hand on his cheek as he put arm around my waist.

        "You're only getting a few more free passes with that nickname until payback kicks in. No- punishments." Maestro looked deep into my (e/c) eyes devilishly. 

        "Yeah yeah, you like me blah blah. Let's get out of here before someone or cops show up." I giggled as I began to exit from the balcany, Maestro following close behind.

        "Back at base, you're staying with me tonight."

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