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"Marius, you cant keep showing up at my doorstep like this." She said as her smile turned into a frown.

"I can't help it, I-I.. I'm.." He began to say, but he could only sweat bullets. (Y/n) gave him a look of sympathy; like she knew what he was going through. Marius continued to stammer over his words, until (Y/n) tenderly pulled him into a hug. He whined and buried his face into her chest, "It's okay, you're safe now." She told him over and over, rocking him like a baby in her arms.

"Come on, let's walk into my room." (Y/n) spoke as she pulled away. Examining the hallway, she realised it was much darker than normal, like you couldn't even see the end of the hall to reach the stairwell. Maybe the darkness was playing into Marius' fidgeting.

Marius was familiar with her room more than his own. He commonly visited her like this throughout the night; nightmares were no stranger to him. Marius slowly walked passed the doorway, not letting go of (Y/n)'s hand for a second. He took it upon himself to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Marius?" (Y/n) asked. She placed her soft hands on his reddened cheeks. He seemed like he was in a state of shock, unable to answer to his own name. "Marius, are you feeling alright?" She asked again.

Yet, Marius could hear her, he just didn't have the courage to speak. Her (e/c) eyes met his bloodshot ones; dark purple and black circled under them. Was he dead?

"I don't want to sleep anymore." He finally spoke. (Y/n)'s expression grimaced, then softened.

"Don't say that. I'm seriously worried you might have PTSD. I think it's time you met up with Gust-" (Y/n) began.

"No! I told you, I don't want that." Marius dropped his face into his own hands, sighing.

"You won't get the help you need if you push it back any longer, Marius." She rubbed his back.

He could only sigh as his gaze continued to the floor. The burning, pressuring feeling, of her eyes on his body made him feel weak. Every second of silence strengthened the tension in the dorm. Sighing, (Y/n) dropped to her knees in front of Marius.

"Okay, I won't push it any further. Just know I care and love you, but if this is something that's going to stress you out, I'm going to leave the responsibility on you." She confessed.

"I never said you had to care for me." Marius' gaze continued to stay down. His words were like venom, but his watery eyes told a different story.

(Y/n) lightly put her hand down to his shoulder, causing Marius to flinch at the sudden movement. "Don't fight me, not right now and definitely not like this. If I didn't care for you, do you think I would have let you into my dorm?" She gritted through her teeth.

'If I didn't care for you, do you think I would have let you into my dorm?' Those words rung in his ears like tinnitus.

"I don't have to care for you, idiot, I care for you because I love you. Like, a lot and you will not argue with me and say otherwise. Okay?"  Cupping his face, he had no choice but to look at her.

"Okay.." Marius meekly said. (Y/n) gave him a small smile and wiped away some of the tears that had escaped his eyelids. Once she was finished, she gave him a quick kiss on his nose. Pulling her hands back, ready to stand up but Marius took hold of her wrists.

Confused, she said nothing but looked at him. "You know, I hate kisses like that." He spoke, making her giggle in response. Marius grinned and pulled her arms behind him for her to wrap her arms around his neck. Red flushed his cheeks, still trying to physically commit what he had been dreaming of.

She was dazed by his sudden actions, realisation showering over her. Marius let his arms fall to her waist and began kissing her neck over and over; not leaving a single spot unattended.

"M-Marius!" She exclaimed, every kiss he gave filled her with ecstasy. The moans she let out were driving Marius over the edge— until he stopped.

"W-Why'd you stop?" She panted, being both confused and displeased.

"I'm tired." He shrugged and fell backwards on her bed.

"You asshole, getting me all worked up for nothing!" She whined and jokingly punched his stomach. Marius only laughed as he allowed himself under the covers. As defeat washed over, (Y/n) followed suit to his actions.

"So, I can sleep here tonight?" Marius looked at her questioningly.

"Yes, idiot." She laughed and wrapped her arms around his torso. "Goodnight."

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