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Since Harry is taking the place of Six now, he has advised us on trying out simulation training. Such as; virtual training. Today me and Gilles are partners to defuse a bomb, we both agreed on disliking hostage. I thought training would be pretty smooth as I would just follow his lead, but every time Gilles talked I just zoned out. He constantly kept bossing me around as if I were still an FNG.

"Okay Maximilien Robespierre, I get it I really do." I huffed as I peered from the right side of his extended shield.

"Very funny, calling me a dictator." Gilles glared from the side of his eye, making me roll my eyes.

"Yes, you old man. Instead of bossing me around and pointing out my directions, why not try and listen to the whole team for ideas?" I emphasized team, since it was just me and him.

I shot the hologram and groaned again, adjusting the belt that would inflict pain each time you get "shot". Just a shock, that's all.

"All I'm doing is putting in direction; however, the flair that helped you pass selection doesn't exist anymore."

"Oh? Questioning my gunman skills? Very classy, coming from a dude who only has a shield and handgun." I laughed as I shot a fake white mask charging at me. I shot more as they crept up behind a bomber.

"You know, you talk a lot for-" Gilles was cut off as I groaned and fell to the floor. His eyes widened as I was grasping my waist in clear pain.

"Holy fuck, that hurt!" I sluggishly got up and slowly readjusted my aim. Gilles moved right in front of me to protect both of us from incoming bullets. "I take back what I said about the shield!" I shouted and shot the second bomber headed for us. Only 7 more terrorists were left before the simulation was over.

We moved up to find more of the terrorists in the house, not a single word was spoken between us. I sighed as I finished off 3 more terrorists.

Okay, 4 left.

I placed my right hand on the small part of Gilles' back, signalling him to move up. Looking around from my crouched position, I realized something; even though these are hollowed out buildings with holograms for enemies, how does this really prepare us for the dark reality? People die everyday to these fuckers and we train to defeat them with simulations?! Does this Harry guy even know what Rainbow is about? The heroic criteria we have? This guy is nuts, I don't know why Six left for this idiot.

I let out a frustrated sigh as Gilles whacked the last enemy with his shield, at least we didn't have to defuse a bomb now. The simulation was over, meaning I could head back to my dorm for the rest of the evening. That is until Gilles stopped me in the halls.

"Hey, (Y/n) are you sure you're okay? I was a little shaken when you fell." His soft voice was like honey to my ears. He cared?

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing." I shook him off and began to walk again. My mind was submerging in chaos from new anger; the type of anger you don't take just take out on people.

"What's your fucking problem,why are you acting like this?" Gilles called from behind me. I looked at him and back at the ground.

"I don't know." My eyes felt like they were on fire, but I kept walking only for him to continue following.

"Do you need to see Gustave at all? Why wont you just talk to me?" Gilles kept pestering me with more questions. "(Y/n), if you don't re-"

"There you go again! Bossing me around like an FNG! Do you even know how long I've been here? Obviously not, I'm not young and this certainly isn't my first rodeo. So why must you push me around like an asshole?" I turned to look at him. Gilles was taken aback from my outburst, he should be lucky there was no one around to hear me tear into him.

"Bossing? Wait.. are you still mad over training?" Gilles questioned.

"No! It's not just training, it's everyday! Every-fucking-day! What did I do to you, huh?! I haven't done jack! I always listen to your orders, but now it's like you never want to work with me, like I'm not good enough! Why dammit! I've tried everything to be nice to you and this is the thanks I get?" I yelled to his face, tears close to spilling.

It was true, for months Gilles has been very important to me. I would even go as far as to say.. I loved him. Although, with his sudden change in attitude it made me so tired of him. I don't want to say I hate him, but it certainly feels as if I should come out and say it.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry." Gilles put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry my ass." I shoved his hand off, "Whatever you tell me wont cut it." I turned on my heel.

"I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I shouldn't have grown tough on you. This is Julien's fault. I knew this would psyche me out." Gilles rubbed his eyes in a way that made me feel remorse of my actions. Oh no.

"What do you mean by 'psyche you out?'" I reached out to touch his face, he reluctantly allowed me. "I'm not mad anymore, I'll hear you out." I looked at him with concern.

"Promise me you wont be mad or uncomfortable?" He tenderly grabbed my hand that laid upon his face.

"Promise." I smiled and rubbed his cheek.

Gilles sighed, "Here goes nothing. Well, Julien has brought it to my attention about not just my feelings, but yours. The real reason I got so tough on you was because I thought if you hated me, you wouldn't have to like an old bastard like me. Julien suggested I do it; something about our careers shouldn't cross. I care about you (Y/n), I really do." He looked up from the ground and at me.

"Oh Touré, of course I love you. But, Julien is an asshole for such an idea. I don't hate you, I just got worked up. I'm sorry." I wrapped my hands around his neck and hugged him.

"You don't hate me?" Gilles wrapped his arms around my waist and looked at me.

"Of course not." I kissed Gilles as he laughed. "Oh and tell Julien I could totally stick my fist up his ass."

I have a mav story in the works but i am so fkin lazy

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