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"Julien, look at me!" (Y/n) said aimlessly for an answer. "C'mon buddy, open those eyes!" She bawled. The feeling of loss was coming in tidal waves as she clutched on the nearly lifeless corpse that belonged to none other than Julien Nizan.

    "Ugh.." Julien groaned grabbing (Y/n)'s shoulder. "Go.. get help." Julien's voice was hoarse. The rubble of the building continued to fall. The building threatened to break and crumble under our toes; but what happened? Explosions, death, and the little room for empathy. Vicious attack after vicious attack, terrorists tried to break us, but this time they won.

    Finally catching the attack force in their moment of weakness; the White Masks took charge. They were erupting more frequently, having not only a reputation in the states, but the entire globe. It seemed as though the intentions of these terrorist changed more radically. The plan was simple for them; catch the eyes of team Rainbow, and trap them. With team Rainbow now low on reinforcements, they may just have no chance but to surrender.

    Their plan was more than successful. Capture random Chinese citizens, issue reparations to the attack force, and decimate everyone. Evidently, the idea had worked. The mastermind behind the White Masks absolutely fooled the team, and as soon as they showed up on scene, the hostages were murdered and the enemy soldiers trapped dispatch inside the building. Only for the said skyscraper to be torn down like paper with bombs.

    "No! Julien, I can't leave you like this!" She sobbed. Knowing the fate that was bestowed upon both of them, she could not lose hope.

    "Y-You have to." Julien cried as the pain increased. To the best of (Y/n)'s ability, she moved the rubble off of Julien's body. His left leg wasn't in good condition and if action wasn't taken now, who knows what would happen. Internal bleeding, life long paralyzation, then what? Julien would never be able to continue on his dream of protecting the people and the world. "Where are the others?" Julien's damaged voice spoke.

    "I.. don't know. Most communication was cut after the first explosion. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only one in 'good condition', y'know?" (Y/n)'s tired eyes gazed to Julien. He was heaving, right arm sitting on his stomach, clothes tattered. Not to mention the new pool of blood submerging from under him. His position made her feel guilty; compelling her to place his head on her lap. "Here, let me take this off." She said as she lightly tugged off his helmet, pulling off the black mask the nearly stuck to his face. Julien's face riddled with pain; so pale he could lose his life at any moment.

    Just fifteen minutes ago, Julien risked his life over (Y/n). As soon as they caught sight of one of the seven hostages, their head was blown off. The terrorist junkies escaped and jumped out the windows of the building wearing harnesses. The first explosion was a cloud of fiery rage that would ingulf the two in seconds. Luckily, they had evaded the burning atmosphere with some cover. But the second bomb tore stores apart, forcing the ceiling to collide with the closest ground. The bulky concrete would have smushed one of them, but Julien wouldn't see it through. Heroically, he tackled her away but was caught by a snag of the rock.


    "Hello? Hello?! Rook, are you there? Rook!" Someone's voice screamed through the radio that was sitting on Julien's utility belt. He groaned as he searched aimlessly on his belt, trying to locate the radio with his shaking fingers. (Y/n) watched with anticipation, hoping the moments taking him to weakly find it wouldn't push the person to give up on communication. As soon as he found it, (Y/n) practically snatched it.

    "Hello! It's (Operator Name), I need back up right away. Rook is in need of an immediate EVAC." (Y/n) spoke as she looked around the surrounding area.

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