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         "Next round me!" My friend said. He pat me pretty hard on the back, and grabbed the shots from the bartender. I followed him back to our area where we were throwing darts. The bar was insanely rowdy tonight for a Monday night. My friend hands me my shot and we clink our glasses.

         "Thanks man! I really needed this after this shit weekend!" I yelled back. We quickly down our shots and grab more darts to throw.

         "No kidding dude, I can't wait to cross train." He steadies his hand and throws his dart. "Fuck these panamas!" another dart thrown, "Fuck being a cop!" another dart, "And fuck this base!" He hits a bullseye. I laugh at his passion while throwing his darts.

         "Fuck this base, but I love Korea!" I throw my dart and completely miss the board. "God dammit, I think I'm too drunk!" I shouted over the music.

         "Clearly not enough!" He laughed and knelt over.

         I walk up to the board to collect our darts. The moment I crouch down to get the one off the floor, my phone is vibrating in my pocket. Instantly I stand up and pull out my phone reading the caller ID; Porter.

         "What the fuck?" I say to no one in particular.

         Porter was an old friend of mine, he works the opposite shift I do. So when I'm on my break days, like right now, he's working. And he works the night shift. I roll my eyes and cancel the call, the obvious annoyance written on my face.

         "Woaah, what's with you?" My friend, Thompson says.

         "A buddy of mine who works the other mids is calling me." I say and move my hand to place my phone in my back pocket again, only for it to ring again.

         "Bro other mids?! Tell that guy to fuck off, we're off!" He said.

         I look down at my phone, it's still Porter trying to reach me. "I did and he's calling again!" I roll my eyes, "Just- Just give me a sec!" I plug my free hand over my ear and answer the call.

         "Yo, (L/n)! Can you come in and review my blotter?" He said.

         "What? Dude, fuck no. I'm at Wolves right now! We work different- just ask your fucking, I don't know. Flight chief?" I'm yelling over the phone. The music blaring even more so.

         "Uh, well I would but, I know you write some of the best blotters in the whole squadron and uhhh, could- could you just come back and... view it?" His tone was quick and hesitant almost.

         "Fuck off." I bring the phone away from my face only barely hearing his pleading.

         "(Y/n) wai-" I hang up the phone. I let out an annoyed groan.

         Thompson walks back over, "More alcohol is what you need!" I laugh as we walk back to the bar to order more drinks.

         Porter did not ring again thankfully. But I can't help, but feel anxious maybe? Why would he be hitting me up?

         "Your turn!" Thompson handed me my darts. I throw like shit, unable to focus.

         "Damn (L/n) you suck!" He joked.

         "Shut up man." I playfully roll my arms and cross my arms.

         Another half hour rolls by and my phone is vibrating again. I didn't want to say I was expecting it, but part of me definitely was. Thankfully Thompson was chatting with another one of our friends, so he didn't say something. I turned my back in my seat at our table to the other two. I bring my phone out, but it's an unknown number calling.

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