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        Rain. It has the Earthly smell I love and the soft sounds it makes from hitting my window. The kind of soft sounds that would normally lull me to sleep, but not this time. My eyelids felt so heavy and my body feeling so exhausted, yet my mind is restless. 

        He's on my mind again. Especially after what he did.

        You wanna know what he did? 'Came back to base in a stretcher, giving me that usual cheeky smile, but his eyes looked so tired. They looked so bloody. They looked so discolored. Come to think of it, he didn't look anything like him.

        Before he left to fight off another outbreak, he looked normal when I watched him leave with Lera and a few others. They all came back days later, but none of them looked the same. Whether they were infected or not, that grimaced face was written on each of their faces.

        I just want to sleep. I don't want to think anymore, I just want to forget it all. I wanted to see him as soon as I saw Gustave pushing his stretcher in a hurry. Gustave said something like, "I'll let you know when you can see him," but I don't even know if that's what he said. My head feels like there's a fog, maybe that's why I can't remember what he said.

        The rain left a nice potent smell in my room that I felt like added to my mental fatigue.

        "I just need to calm down." I said to myself. Trying to take in the deep breaths to cool my breakdown.

        I reached for my nightstand, locating my phone that instantly lit up showing many missed notifications. One message coming from Gustave.

        It reads: "Can I talk to you?" Not much else from Gustave, just some worried texts and calls from my friends. I might as well respond to Gustave of all people. Maybe I can see him? Or maybe it's bad news? No, I shouldn't think that. Not after my hard work of calming myself.

        I got up to check to see if I was presentable enough to meet with Gustave. I definitely looked horrible, and it was nearly three in the morning. No one's going to really see me, I hope.

        It didn't take long for Gustave to text back asking me to come to the infirmary. Great, can't wait for that. I looked up to the mirror from my phone one last time, trying to salvage this silence before I see something that will tear me back down.

        Leaving my room I expected as such to see the dorm hallways empty and quiet. I'm sure the only people awake are Gustave and I, but I wouldn't put it past Ryad to still be up. My journey to the infirmary won't be long as it isn't too far from where I stay.

        I stopped in front of bright white double doors. The dim transparent light above the doors reading "infirmary." I close my eyes and let out a sigh before opening. Inside were two rows of medical beds and another set of doors straight ahead, I'm sure that's where they are. I text Gustave that I'm here and the second set of doors open almost immediately.

        "Thank you for coming on such a short notice, but I assumed you most likely wouldn't be asleep. Especially after what you saw." Gustave said. He gave me a smile as I shifted in my place.

        "Is he going to be okay?" I asked. I just wanted to hear it flat.

        "Yes, I have him in a stable state, but I need you to not freak out when you see him. It could cause some complications if he gets freaked out too." Gustave said.

        I felt like I had just lost my voice, all I could do was nod and follow him in the back. I wonder if he went in the second room to not scare anyone away?

        I think that because what I saw scared me. I didn't make a sound, but I felt like I was sweating or even trying not to cry. My eyes were burning and my body felt like it was about to be a wreck again.

        "We don't have a lot to help him at the moment, but I assure you we'll take care of him until he returns to... well, normal." Even Gustave sounded unsure or nervous even. 

        Olivier laid in a bed that neared the corner of the room. He looked soulless and beaten down. IV's were tugging at both of his arms for who knows what. The spikes. I just can't.

        My eyes never left him. He wasn't awake at the moment, but even in his sleep he looked like he was experiencing pain. These, spikes, forming at his head, some on his arms too. I could almost drop to my knees and ball up just from the sight of him. I was shaking, I can see it in my hands.

        "Can... I touch him?" My voice quivered. I looked at Gustave over my shoulder who seemed to be watching me. He widened his eyes at my question. Maybe he didn't expect that.

        "Y-Yes, of course." He stammered.

        I slowly made my way to his side, crouching my knees. Watching his chest rise and fall, the small whimpers he was making was enough for the tears to start again.

        "You're not afraid, are you?" Gustave asked. He got closer to be by my side, only now do I notice the dark circles under his eyes.

        "Of course not, I'm just scared of losing Olivier." I said whipping my eyes. I held his hand, giving it a small squeeze, expecting nothing of it. Olivier's eyes twitched slightly, but nothing came of it.

        "(Y/n), I'm sorry. We were reckless out there, a-and-" 

        "Don't blame yourself, please, I won't stand for it. It's no one's fault. It's a crazy, crazy accident." I said. All I could do was softly rub Olivier's hand with my thumb.

        There were no "happy thoughts" in my head. Nothing was roaming my head anymore. The hot feeling in my eyes were returning and I did nothing to stop it. Olivier's entire demeanor changed once he realized I was crying over him.

        "I'll leave you two for a few moments." Gustave said. It was just barely above a whisper, but it echoed through my head like he was standing right behind me.

        "(Y/n), I really am sorry. I'm still alive, y'know." He gave a small chuckle. Always trying to downplay the reality. The worst coping mechanism he had, possibly. All I could do was give him this side glance that made his fake smile drop.

        "But at what cost, Olivier? At what cost?" I said. I could see it now, the red hugging his iris' that looked painful. He looked... wretched. How could any of this have happened?

        "The cost was that I could still make it home, (Y/n). The mission went to shit and I hate everything that happened, but I can't say that I'm not grateful to be alive. I can still get to see you and that's all that truly matters." Olivier said. He softly squeezed back on my hand giving me the closure I needed.

        "Don't do this again, please, Olivier." I said. Softly wiping away the tears that managed to still escape my eyes.

        "I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

i'm slowly working on requests <3 sorry

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