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Collinn sucked in another breath. The entire country-like road was stocked with cars. Snow was falling at a rapid pace, and it had no indication of dying down. Collinn finally exhaled, as he began to realize he needed air.

In the passenger seat sat his "best friend", (Y/n). She was staring out the window, eyes lost to the frosted trees that were visible by headlights and the moon. Collinn was transfixed at her wonder and couldn't look away, until she turned her head back to lock eyes with him.

"So, how long do you think we'll be stuck in traffic for?" (Y/n)'s question broke their silence.

"I.. don't know. Hopefully there wasn't an accident." Collinn said.

"That would be horrible for someone's new year," she paused to stretch in her seat, "is there any service out here to call for EMS? I don't hear or see sirens." She said. Grabbing her phone, it turns up dead causing her to frown. (Y/n) looks up at Collinn for an answer.

"Hang on." He mumbles and searches for his phone in his pocket. Pulling it out, the time is half past midnight.. and to his surprise, there is no service. (Y/n) leans over to notice the bad news and her frown deepens.

"Maybe we can listen to the radio?" She asked. Pressing the FM button, the radio only emits silent static. "Man, we're in the middle of nowhere." (Y/n) leans back in her seat.

Collinn nods in agreement. An uncomfortable silence consumed the air again. Collinn was staring at the road and slow movement of cars, trying to avoid speaking. He was nervous, because he just went to a party with his so called "best friend" and is now sitting in an uncomfortable car with her. The entire night, he gawked at how happy and social she seemed with fellow operators and some officials. With a gaze from his right eye, she was the polar opposite; absolutely bored and tired.

(Y/n)'s gaze was glued to the starry black sky, rustling of trees, and snow softly falling. Her right hand held her face, as if she was struggling to stay awake.

Collinn quietly sighs, and looks down at his lap. In an attempt to keep his thoughts empty, he focuses on the car in front of his.

It feels like hours go by in the eerie silence. That is until, he is brought back to reality from (Y/n) softly asking for his name.

"Collinn?" (Y/n) asks again.

He turns to face her and says, "Yeah?"

"Can I ask you something a little personal?" She asks and turns her head away.

"Go for it." Collinn said. Truth be told, he felt pretty empty inside when she turned away.

"I've had this weird feeling when I'm around you. It's indescribable." (Y/n) said.

Collinn felt like he understood what she was trying to say. So he took a moment to think. Could this be the breakthrough he's been dreaming of since he met her?

"Does.. it feel like a person is a safe space? That they understand you and make your heart jump?" Collinn nearly choked on his anxiety.

(Y/n) lifted her head to look at him again. She reaches over and places her left hand upon his thigh and smiles. This sudden movement made Collinn blush, and that's something he never does.

"So, you understand what I'm trying to explain?" (Y/n)'s smile turns to a grin, "That I like you?"

"(Y/n), did you know I believe in love at first sight?" Collinn joked.

"Oh, shut up!" She joked and playfully his arm.

As their giggling died down (Y/n) spoke, "Did you know I believe in it too?"

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