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Yet another day goes by and I still can't leave my dorm. The embarrassment. My closest friends came to check on me throughout the night, refusing to be brushed off by me. All I desire is to be left alone, why can't anyone respect that?

And worst off, it's the last day of my break before I get back to work. I can't face him, or anyone.

"I'm living my worst nightmare, like I'm a fucking middle school-er!" I shouted.

I huffed angrily with my back sturdy against the cold beige wall. My bed was begging to feel uncomfortable and I was feeling all the fabrics close to my body.

Practically jumping out of bed, I could only wish for all these misfortunes to disappear. The darkness of the world had it's cold hand around me, but what have I done for such karma to be afflicted upon me?

"Knock knock, open your fucking door." Someone shouted from behind my door with some heavy knocks following after.

Standing in the middle of my dorm, uncomfortable and wishing to be alone, is of course when someone is so compelled to come bother me.

"Depends, who is it?" I yelled back at the door.

"Your best friend, Meghan!" She dragged her name out

"Just a moment." I said, quieter this time. I begrudgingly walked to open the door, wondering what would she want now.

My hand pulled down on the handle gently, only for her to immediately swing it open. Shocked, but she only smiled and held up a bag.

"I brought some take-out! Because I can only assume you haven't bothered to feed yourself." Meghan said with a smug look on her face.

I smiled at her, even if her little comment made me a little self conscious.

"Thank you Meghan, seriously." I said.

"Don't mention it. Anyway, we got Chinese food baby!" She sung happily.

I'm just thankful she hasn't immediately interrogated me about what happened just two days ago. I know she wants to ask, why else would she be here?

I let the ideas slip freely out of my head. I was starting to feel normal again and more comfortable, simply because I wasn't being pitied or asked a million questions. Meghan always knew how to comfort me. Besides, I'm sure she heard everything from Tina and Taina. Or even the guys..

"Have you seen this video about this cat? I have to show you it." Meghan said. I didn't even realize I had just been sitting here.

"You know I would love to see it." I smiled. I took my hands out of it's position from my lap, trying to feel more in the moment.

The video was a cat getting fed a turkey slice, while having a very lengthy meow.

"I just love his ears! They're like little stubs." Meghan said.

We continued to share videos with each other while laughing and eating.

I was scrolling through my phone trying to enjoy my dinner when yet another knock was heard.

"Who is it?" I shouted to the door.

No response.

I looked over to Meghan who wore the same look of confusion. However, I had an anxious feeling creeping throughout my body.

Rainbow Six Siege OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora