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     The room he was once always cooped up in sat empty. This room, that always felt endless with imagination and creativity, now felt dark and dank.

     Timur hadn't been in the room in days. It was odd, and almost concerning. Painting and drawing was always important to Timur, so why is he not doing what he loves?

     Even though (Y/n) was concerned about Timur's sudden disappearance, he never once seemed off putting, which is weirder than Timur not painting in a week. If something was wrong with Timur's emotions, (Y/n) always caught on, but this time he didn't seem that way.

     Thinking of Timur, where is he?

     (Y/n) got up from her spot on their shared sofa, stretching in the process. She pats her pockets to make sure her phone is still on her. She begins her search by entering his art room, just in case you know? 

     Turning the lights on, as before,  the room was still empty. But this time she comes into contact with a mural covered by a sheet.

     "I don't remember that." (Y/n) said out loud. The curiosity ate at her like peer pressure. She had to see what was under the cloth. The last she looked in here was only a few hours ago when she got home, shortly after Timur. How did she over look this mural?

     Stepping up to the mural, she tenderly grabbed the bottom of the sheet and lifting it halfway up. To (Y/n)'s pleasant surprise, it was a half finished pencil sketch of her. If her memory served her right, (Y/n) could identify from the half finished sketch the outfit she was wearing. The same dress she wore on their very first date.

     (Y/n) smiled gingerly recalling that date. She was so nervous, but had an amazing time nonetheless and it led to them having a wonderful relationship a few years later.

     "Ok, maybe I was wrong?" (Y/n) whispered as she gently let the sheet flow back to its original position.

     "Wrong about what?" Timur spoke softly from behind her.

     (Y/n) instantly flinched, turning half way to meet him just mere inches from her. "God damn, you snuck up on me." She said, placing her hand on her chest and letting out a nervous laugh.

     "I was looking for you, but I guess I didn't really have to find you." Timur said. He smirked and crossed his arms looking down at you.

     "Well, I was just curious. I feel like I never see you come in here lately." (Y/n) said. Truth be told, she felt embarrassed to be caught in his art room. It was so silly, but she felt like a kid not allowed to go in the locked closet or something.

     "I do. I was trying to keep my new art piece a secret, but I guess it isn't one anymore." Timur gave out a hearty laugh.

     (Y/n) looked down, "I'm sorry, I ruined the surprise." The embarrassment starting showing in her face, and it started to feel real hot. Timur laughed again and pulled her into a hug, (Y/n)'s face instantly hiding into his chest.

     "I don't really care, you were going to see it anyway." He pulled back from the hug and looked deep into (Y/n)'s eyes, "But, did you like what you saw?" Only this time (Y/n) laughed.

     "Of course I did, love." (Y/n) hugged him again.

     "Идеально.." He said, kissing her on the forehead.

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