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"Oh, (Y/n)! I've been looking for you." Harry said from a few feet away. The sound of his voice made my head whip quickly in his direction as I watched him walk towards me. His presence was severely unexpected. It was just another field training day, why would Harry be here?

"Oh uh, yeah?" I asked meekly. I was extremely tired and exhausted from today, but his sudden presence spiked my adrenaline. I was seconds from crashing and now my heart is pumping yet again. I had no reason to feel like this. I haven't done anything wrong, so why am I so high alert?

"Yes, if it's possible, do you think you could follow me back to my office?" He asked. Now I was seriously anxious. Follow him? Did I do something wrong? Was my performance today lackluster? All these negative thoughts were roaming my mind, just inching me closer to this anxiety attack. I could see the outlines of my fellow teammates near me, watching this interaction. Maybe they're thinking the same things I am?

"R-Right now?" I nervously asked. I can't exactly say no, he's my leadership. I could feel my ears getting hot and my hands feeling sweaty. Everyone's eyes on us, particularly me.

"I'm sorry I've caught you at such a short notice, but I really need to see you. As in, right this moment, if that's okay?" He explained. I could tell he wasn't going to take my excuse. His face is unreadable. A simple smile worn on his face and his hands are folded together, resting at his abdomen. He meant business, but I'm not sure what kind. His eyes are unreadable, the sun was shining perfectly off his glasses, giving him this ominous presence.

My skill set was useless. I was losing this unspoken battle, I held no ground against him. I glanced over my shoulder, witnessing this crowd behind me. Faces unreadable or nonexistent, I couldn't even see if Elias was behind me. I faced Harry again, looking down and sighing in defeat.

"Alright." I said. I reached down to grab my duty bag and weapon. I could see my hands trembling with this unnecessary anxiety. I fumbled with my rifle's sling to have my weapon rest on my back with the barrel facing towards the sky.

Harry watching me intently just made the feeling much, much worse. Once he recognized I had gathered all my things, he turned and started walking. Not even looking back to see if I was truly following him, but I knew I had to regardless and he knew that too.

"Again, I am very sorry for showing face like that. But, once we're in my office you'll understand." Harry stated. He spared me the liberty of talking once we were far away enough from the rest of the operators. At least he's somewhat considerate.

I haven't had many interactions with Harry since joining Rainbow. Just my initial contact upon arrival, and some emails during the entrance process I guess.

"Oh, um. It's okay, I guess." I said. I was trying to keep the conversation light and was hoping he would catch on. Unfortunately, he continued for small talk.

"You know, I always watch when you are all on the field. I like to think I have the greatest defense force the world has ever seen." Harry stated. I looked at him confused. What was he meaning by all this?

"Um sir, if you don't mind me asking, what are you trying to say?" I asked. Harry simply gave a short chuckle.

He rested his hands in his front pockets, only to bring one back up to adjust his glasses. "(Y/n), I've seen you on the field and personally you've been an amazing asset. Your skill set blends so perfectly into our melting pot here. I've seen you mingle and fit in perfectly with everyone. Yes, we have some dramas between operators, but it's always apart of the job." He joked.

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