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Dear (Y/n),

I email you today because I have a position open that you could partake during the event. Are you interested?



That email alone is what got me up to leave the medbay. At first I was extremely disappointed to find out I wouldn't recover in enough time to take part in Harry's big event in Greece, due to my serious head and leg injury. A few scratches here and there, but that's apart of this job.

A mission went a little south causing me and a rookie to be injured. Since then, sitting in bed all day and everyday recovering, has been the worst. I've had many visitors, other than Doc, come to check up on me. The first night, Jordan came to give me a vase full of flowers while I was sedated. Wish I was up to see it.

However, Harry's proposition was for me to be the announcer. The man we hired couldn't make it to the last tournament, and every other operator is busy with the event in some way that they can't fill the role. He decided for me to do it, because it was minimum effort that didn't require me to be on my feet. Obviously I accepted the offer just to see the light of day again.

"(Y/n), are you sure you don't want to just be in the wheelchair? Crutches could put a lot strain on you in your weak state." Gustave stated with concern.

"Yes, Gus, I promise you I'll be just fine." I said with a smile, "But, if you could help me up I would appreciate it." I laughed.

"Oh yes, of course." Gustave said frantically. He gingerly took my hand and pulled me up. The boot on my left leg was uncomfortable, but it could have been worse.

As Gustave began to reach for the crutches, he paused.

"You know (Y/n), if today becomes too much, you'll let me know right?" He said.

"I'm sure I'll be just fine out there," I placed my hand on his, "I'm only announcing you know, but yes, I will let you know if it's too much." I giggled.

Gustave returned with a smile and helped me use the crutches. Walking down the halls, Gustave asked me an interesting question;

"Do you know anything about the signals Harry made? For surrendering or an emergency?"

I looked at him confused, I had never heard of this. Gustave caught on to my confusion quickly.

"Don't worry, there's few signals, but Harry requires every operator knows them. They will be using blanks, but you never know." He shrugged, "The surrender signal is an X made from both arms across the chest. If one person makes the signal, they have already reached the surrendering consensus. For an emergency, the arms are in front of the head in a much smaller X form. After the signal is made, the operator should verbally call for assistance and start immediate attention." Gustave stated.

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard. Where will I be to announce?" I asked.

"In the stadiums box room. There's TV's in there to better see the operators and have access to cams, including attacker drones." Gustave said.

Our short walk was ended with a nicely engraved door. Gustave opened the door to show a small and comfortable room. There were chairs and a long desk with TV's that had access to cameras from the stadium's CCTV to the one's inside the small building for the operators. Beyond the glass was the starry night sky, cheering crowd, and bright lights.

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