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       "He would kill me if I knocked on his door right now." (Y/n) said. Not really to anyone, just to herself in the mirror. Feeling so afraid and shaken, she almost contemplated smashing her head into the mirror. Maybe it would make all those nightmare fuel dreams disappear. But, if she did that and it didn't work what would have been the point of the mess? Maybe she won't smash her head in.

       All she could do was stare into the sink, almost afraid to see her reflection. (Y/n) had not really told anyone about her dream problem, not even Timur. Oh how hard she was trying to hide the ugly dark circles from him everyday. 

       Her eyes had bags that were a dark blue, almost black like color. Just something she would cover with makeup if the color got too dark. It's hard to admit having reoccurring nightmares, but she had to at some point. 

       She couldn't even bring herself to touch those sleepless circles, it was like the plague.

       (Y/n) sighed and left the bathroom. She was still a little jumpy from the dream, so being in the dark wasn't happening.

       When she reached her bed she started contemplating more on going to Timur's room. It was hard to make the decision because it was nearly four in the morning and she had never told him about these nightmares. She almost did, but convinced herself not to. Oh how she's regretting that brilliant idea now.

       Anxiety was coming in waves. Usually at this stage (Y/n) is too anxious to fall back asleep and stays awake until her day begins. She doesn't want to live in this cycle anymore. She was lucky if she even had five hours of sleep.

       "Okay, if I go now, maybe I have a chance to sleep again." (Y/n) sighed, thinking over the scenarios playing in her head. "Worst case scenario, he doesn't open the door."

       She buried her head in her hands, hoping to feel the release of sleep, but it never came.

       "Why wouldn't he let me in his room? I'm his girlfriend, I should be able to let myself in." (Y/n) huffed. "Well, it's worth a shot." Finally standing up from the side of her bed, she puts on some shoes and grabs her phone and keys before walking to Timur's dorm.

       The walk wasn't long, but it felt long. Horrible even. So many thoughts, and it's so dark in the halls, who wouldn't be hugging the walls by now? Timur's room was next to Shuhrat's, you could tell because his snoring was so loud.

       (Y/n) couldn't even recall when she got to his dorm. She kinda just stood there with her hand in the air ready to knock, but couldn't.

       "Here goes nothing." (Y/n) sighed. She knocked, three times. Maybe one too many? Or maybe it wasn't loud enough?

       Such stupid thoughts, but one thing remained; she had to tell him. 

       What will he think of my eyes though? He always says they're so beautiful, but they're th-

       The door creaked on it's hinges before opening a little wider. (Y/n) could see Timur's annoyed and tired expression. Once he realized who was knocking on his door at the time, his face contorted from angry to concerned.

       Yeah. He definitely sees the eyes. Her own thoughts and Timur's expression made her grimace a little.

       "(Y/n), what are you doing here? What is with your.. eyes?" Timur's accent always made her go soft. He sounded like an upset mother to her, maybe even disappointed and it tugged at her chest.

       "Can I come in?" (Y/n) whispered. Timur moved to the side of the door to let her inside. 

       When she walked in, the smell of his dorm always hit her. It was like a mix between lavender and high-end cologne, sometimes even the smell of paint or pastels.

       "What is going on, (Y/n)? You look like you have not slept in days." Timur said. He was sitting on his bed giving her this sympathetic look. It made her uncomfortable.

       "Timur, I'm sorry, but I haven't been truthful with you." She folded her arms and sighed. "For some months now, I've been having this reoccurring nightmare. It drives me crazy that I can never go back to sleep. T-That's what wrong with my eyes." By now (Y/n) had made her way to sit on the end of his bed. She couldn't even look him in the eyes, so she continued to look at grooves in the carpet.

       Timur didn't say anything for a bit. It struck anxiety every second the silence continued.

       "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She said. This time she forced herself to look him in the eyes. 

       He still didn't say anything. He only pulled her into his chest and laid down. (Y/n) didn't protest at the quick action, she was actually hoping for him to hold her. 

       The sound of his heartbeat seemed to be lowering. Did her look shock him?

       "It's okay, I forgive you, but I want you to sleep with me from now on." Timur said.

        (Y/n) mumbled out a form of consent to his proposal, but her head still wasn't at ease. She could feel the sleepiness getting stronger, but she was so afraid of seeing that dream again and again...

       It was overwhelming to say the least. She didn't even hear what Timur had just said, but she could feel the clothing of his shirt dampen around her cheek.

       "(Y/n)?" Timur said. His voice a little more clear.

       "Yeah?" She asked.

       "Do you want to talk about it?" Timur said. Every time he spoke the vibrations from his chest sent chills down her spine, but the good kind.

       "Uhm, it's kinda like..." She froze in her words. She could see it in her head perfectly, but if she wanted an end she needed to get this off her chest. "i-it's kinda like, a really graphic death of, uh, you. Over and over and over again. I hate seeing it because I'm so scared of it becoming real. I don't even like the images it puts in my head when I think about it, and what's worse is it's never the same death. It's always changing." 

       By now the tears were falling hard. She felt a little guilty crying on him let alone his shirt, but she couldn't control it. Through her wailing, she could feel Timur trying to calm her down. He was softly saying things in his language and running his fingers through her hair, or even just rubbing her back telling her everything will be alright. They were like this for awhile.

       "I just want it to end." She finally spoke through her breakdown. Timur responded in a way letting her know that he understood. 

       "I want you to start sleeping with me, so that if it happens again I'm here for it. If it eventually doesn't get better, I know you don't like it, but I'm going to take you to see Gustave. Does that sound ideal? I don't like seeing you this way, let alone only now finding out." Timur said. He spoke with genuine concern. (Y/n) could clearly understand he wanted nothing but the best for her.

       "Okay, t-that's fine." She hiccuped. Timur was wiping her tears away, giving soft kisses on her forehead. She was starting to feel a lot calmer now.

       "Again, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." (Y/n) said. Timur only mumbled against her skin that there was nothing to apologize for. The stubble of his beard made her giggle a little. She could tell he was on the verge of sleeping, but didn't want to sleep just yet.

       "I'm serious, wake me up if something happens." Timur said, his words slightly slurred because of his state.

       "I will." She smiled and buried her head into his neck. She closed her eyes and could feel the warmth and safety from Timur. Maybe this cycle will end.

       At least someone will be there to hold me this time.

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