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        Every room I enter, every corner I turn, he was always there. I couldn't escape him.

        All I wanted was to be in the library to find books that would help support my research, but he just had to be there with his social circle.

        Their consistent talking and laughter was enough fuel for my curiosity. I could see the few of them chatting, including Marius. Just seeing him smiling and so carefree was heartwarming. I couldn't take my gaze away from Marius, but the more I continued to stare, my mind could only see him.

        I just sat there for what felt like hours watching him enjoy his time. That was, until his eyes met with mine. It felt like my heart stopped beating for a few seconds when he stared into my wide eyes with confusion, but then my heart started beating. The nerves hysterical, forcing me to do the only thing I could; run.

        And run I did. Quickly spinning around to shove open the heavy double doors, I could hear the commotion from the library soon fade, at least I thought it did. Right before I could turn the corner, I could hear those heavy doors open and shut. 

        I looked over my shoulder to see Marius right outside the doors searching for someone. When he looked in the direction I was running, his body jumped right back in action.

        "(Y/n), wait up!" Marius shouted. 

        My body tensed hearing his footsteps nearing behind me. The adrenaline shot through, helping me pick up speed to loose him.

        "Slow down!" Marius said.

        I looked behind my shoulder again, he looked like he was getting tired and starting to slow down. Taking this advantage, I ran as fast as I could to maintain the distance between us.

        When I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore, I stopped in a stairwell.

        "I-I just need to hide.. and breathe." I whispered to myself. My heavy breathing quickly slowing down, allowing me to sit down comfortably. "You're such an idiot." I sighed.

        Lifting my head up, I leaned it against the wall and let my hands sit on my knees. I really am such an idiot..

        The heavy door to the stairwell opened, allowing the light from the hallway illuminate the dim stairwell.

        "(Y/n)?" Someone whispered.

        His distinct accent sent her again. But this time she really had nowhere else to turn, this stairwell escape was her own trap.

        "Where are you? It's kind of dark in here," Marius paused, "(Y/n)?" His steps on the metal stairs rattled through her head and the anxiety churning in her stomach were reaching new heights.

        "Leave me alone." Her words barely audible, but enough for Marius to hear.

        His footsteps stopped for a moment, as if he was processing what she said.

        "Can I just ask one question?" Marius said. (Y/n) paused, what could he want?

        "W-What is it?" (Y/n) said.

        "What color are your eyes? They looked stunning for the few seconds I saw them, I just couldn't see the color because of how far away you were." Marius responded. He sounded almost nervous to say that.

        His question brought a smile to (Y/n)'s face, even making her giggle. "They're (e/c) Marius.."

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