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IB: Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan -- EP 5: Millionaire Village. Thought this OVA was fitting as hell.

Millionaire village, is what they called it, or as the locals say; 富豪村. (Fugō-mura)

It is said that if you buy a villa in the mountains of Japan, you will become incredibly rich. For the longest time this was thought to be just another legend, but two former operatives decided to test fate.

In Masaru's free time, he occasionally liked to visit home in Suginami; however, returning home for the same reason is a burnout. Each visit is identical to the last and all he ever wanted was a change. Such as, a trip to a place he's never been to.

"Where does this map even lead to, Masaru?" (Y/n) asked, glancing over from her phone. On her phone laid a satellite image of a small village consisting of five or six homes. One of the villas even had a pool. The village itself was buried deep within a forest, covered with wildlife on top of the mountains.

"I told you, this is the village. I want to bring you here and see it for myself; because they say that if you buy a villa in the mountains, you'll become rich!" Masaru explained.

"Wait, you want to live in one of those homes? They're up in the mountains! Have you lost your mind?" She quickly kicked her legs off the table. Her gaze suggested that Masaru had an idiotic idea.

"Maybe when I was younger, I had a dream to, but now I want to know if the legend is real." Masaru leaned back in his seat.

"Legend? You're telling me that you don't even know if people even live here?" She retorted.

Masaru scoffed, "Of course people live up there. Why would there be homes up there if no one lived in them? I'm telling you, this legend has to be true and I want to see!" He eyed her while sipping his tea.

"Honey, you may have taken me to a very beautiful country and a cozy cafe in Japan, but I don't feel like dying today. Or tomorrow, or the next day! Why can't we just do something safer like, like visiting your parents?" (Y/n) pleaded.

Masaru groaned and rolled his eyes, not even wanting to answer her last question. He was dead set on going there, but if the maps and images of this village were a hoax; (Y/n) would win the argument. But, don't knock it till you try it, right?

"No, how about we play jan ken pon over this?" He shot a grin her way. No one could possibly lose against Masaru in his own game.

"Alright, let's set some rules. If I win, we do what I say, but if you win then we'll go see this village." (Y/n) crossed her arms. Her cocky grin brimming with confidence, like she'll never lose.

"Fine, I'll agree to your TOS. To play, it's the same as rock, paper, scissors." He explained. Moving his phone and tea to the side, he cracked his knuckles determined to win.

This only made (Y/n) laugh, as she did the same.

"Ready to lose?" (Y/n) snarled.

"Just you wait." Masaru smirked.




"Janken.. hoi!" Masaru shouted. He looked down to his hand and then his opponents hand. (Y/n) had thrown scissors, while Masaru's displayed rock. "Katta! I've won!" Masaru shook his fist in the air like a trophy.

"What?! Totally not fair! Best out of three!" (Y/n) begged slamming her fist on the table.

"Nope, that's not what you said. If my memory is correct, I believe you only stated what would happen when one of us won. Nothing about how many rounds." Masaru laughed as (Y/n) was in disbelief.

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