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        We were deployed in Stalingrad, reports of White Masks destroying buildings, mass shootings, and taking people hostage. Gridlock, Mozzie, and I all were assigned this mission directly from HQ. Harry (formerly known as Six) had given us strict instructions on what we were to do about defusing the situation. Such as, locating and taking any hostages into safety, kill every terrorist that came into our contact, and most importantly: staying alive. We were accompanied by Doc, well known as Gustave, but he would not be taking the situation on ground control as we were.

         "Mozzie!" I yelled from the other room, bullets firing like rain.

        Max screamed for me over the radio, he was so frantic that I couldn't understand him. When I had ran into the room he was downed at, it looked like an entire bomb had gone off. I quickly threw anything heavy in front of the doorway, and pushed over a table to cover both of us. I grunted and began to pull Max by his inner arms to the safety I had just provided.

        "Goose, just stay calm! You'll be fine in no time!" I shouted over the gun fire. He was shot in his abdomen, but it was more than one bullet in that area alone. This was serious damage.

        I began to apply some pressure for the time being, attempting to stop the bleeding. "Ah, let go mate! I'd rather die than this!" Max screamed. I rolled my eyes, that's what they all say. I slide my backpack off my back and take out the supplies to try and stop some damage.

        "What's going on in 'er?" Gridlocks voice boomed from the radio. The sudden communication caused me to jerk cutting Max a little. I quickly placed the knife down as Max groaned softly again and picked up my radio.

        "Gridlock, it's me (Y/n) reporting in. Mozzie's been hit multiple times around his abdomen, I need a med EVAC as quick as you can get one. I'm low on supplies to try and stop possible internal damage. Call Gustave, now!" I finished as I hesitantly placed my walkie-talkie back onto my utility belt. "Alright Max don't hate me, but I really gotta do this." I sighed and picked the knife back up again.

        I looked at the blood pouring from the small hole. Reality felt slow; my hands trembling. I could feel sweat pouring down my forehead. Before I continued, I cut his clothes more to gain access at the sight.

        "Well then do it already, mate." Max groaned as he rested a hand on my leg.

        I shakily nodded and tried to calm my hand as to not make any mistake. I slowly, but surely, began to attempt to dig a bullet out. Max screamed again, nearly making me cause a disaster.

        "What the fuck do you think you're doing, (Y/n)?! Wait for the EVAC or something!" He tried to thrash in my grasp.

        "There's no time! Even if the EVAC makes it here, there's more serious damage to come if I wait any longer. Please, just trust me!" I looked at him with tears brimming in his eyes. I grabbed his hand, "Please Max, I hate to see you like this, I want to help you not hurt you." His gaze met mine.

        "(Y/n), I-"

        "What's the situation, (Y/n)? Gridlock told me you were in need of medical assistance." Gustave's voice cut off Max's.

        I grabbed my walkie-talkie once more, "Yes, Mozzie has been shot many times in the same area. I need an EVAC, make it quick! I think he's slowly losing consciousness." I glanced back at Max who had his eyes clenched shut and his hand still gripped on my leg.

        "Copy that." Gustave replied. I looked at Max and cringed. I felt helpless. I need to help him, but it will hurt him even more. Sighing, I took off Max's helmet. Wherever his glasses went, they were long gone.

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