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        There he was standing in the rain. The rain had died down not too long ago, but it was soon to pick up again.

        Why was he in the rain? Visiting an old friend, you see, one not many know about. It had been a long time since Maxim's last visit, so long that it started to eat away at his mind. No one really noticed his sudden change in demeanor other than his good friend Timur. Unknowing to Maxim, his spouse (Y/n), caught on almost instantly. Not sure whether or not to ask Maxim directly about his change in emotion. Mostly due to the fact he isn't very open about himself.

        She had no idea how to help him, and Timur dodged every question she had about Maxim. The only other option she had was to observe him, or even follow him.

        So here we are now, (Y/n) watching Maxim from afar at the cemetery. Peaking through and above the bushes. A silly spot to be using for such a skilled hunter.

        "Why would he be here?" (Y/n) thought to herself. She noticed he was holding a small bouquet of flowers, kneeling softly by a tomb stone that lied dirty in the wet and muddy grass. Maxim carefully wiped away what was covering the stone and gently placed said bouquet.

        (Y/n) wondered why he was here and who he was visiting. It was almost eight in the afternoon, around this time is when (Y/n) would soon return home from work and to be greeted by Maxim. Could he only be visiting now because of that?

        Maxim looked like he was saying something, but was too far away for (Y/n) to hear. He looked over the grave for some minutes before getting up and walking away. She carefully watched him stop to look around the cemetery.

        "He must be on to me." (Y/n) thought. She hid quietly in her spot of bushes and flowers, waiting for the sound of his feet. Thankfully these bushes were well taken care of and tall so he couldn't see through them easily.

        It was minutes before he finally began to walk away and out of the cemetery. The cemetery was located not too far from the base, possibly full of dead soldiers who worked at Rainbow before.

        Unfortunate for her, she would be expected home shortly so she had to make this detective work quick.

        Jogging to the grave of freshly placed flowers, it read a name in Russian, obviously she couldn't understand it. But, she could understand that it was most likely a friend of his he never told her about. (Y/n) leaned down softly to remove the rest of the mud that remained on the bottom of the tomb stone.

        The date on the grave read: 1981-2017 and the rest remained in Russian.

        "Huh, that was a year before we met. I guess his emotional state back then makes more sense now." (Y/n) whispered to herself. She thought about trying to translate the name from her phone, but once she pulled it out the time read eight seventeen. She usually gets back at eight thirty, but today she cut her meeting short to figure out what was wrong with Maxim.

        "Shit and it's about to rain again." She opened her palm to feel the sprinkles of rain hit her soft skin. Softly standing up to face the gates, she could have sworn she heard movement by some trees next to it. Her face grimaced, praying it was a small animal seeking shelter, and not her skilled hunter of a spouse watching her back.

        Now feeling overwhelming anxiety, her new idea was to just run back to base, but not without looking away from the trees. The mud would definitely get on her boots.

        She barely made it back before looking suspicious and quickly walked into her shared dorm, noticing how quiet and untouched it remained since the morning. Hastily taking off her rain boots and taking them to the kitchen to clean the mud off as fast as she possibly could. A clock on her wall now read the time; eight twenty eight. Feeling confident now, she put the boots by the shoe rack next to the front door and took off her coat to seem like she had been home for awhile.

        Trying to look natural she turned on the TV, put on a random Netflix show, and sat on the couch. She sat worriedly, slowly putting the connection together that he might not be home before her because he was watching her back at the cemetery.

        Stress fully running a hand through her hair, she hoped he wouldn't be upset with her snooping on him. She was only worried about him after all and confused why he wasn't more open with her. While the TV played, she could softly hear the front door being jiggled.

        "It's now or never." She thought.

        The front door opened quietly revealing Maxim. (Y/n) turned her head around to give him a smile, to which he returned.

        "What are you watching?" He asked. Good. Nothing about a cemetery.

        "Oh, uh just Breaking Bad. How was your day?" (Y/n) asked giving him another smile.

        "Normal as usual. Training and always busy. How was yours, my dear?" Maxim asked. Wow, he normally doesn't use pet names like that unless he's in a really good mood. This made (Y/n) more at ease.

        "Just Ela and Zofia's banter getting on my nerves like usual. Probably worst today than the last time I was put with those two. I was just ready to be home, missing you and being warm." (Y/n) said as she laid down on the couch dramatically, facing the TV. Maxim chuckled at her act. He walked up behind the couch, leaning down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

        "I'm going to go take a shower," He gave her another kiss, "and thank you."

        (Y/n)'s blood ran cold, but her smile never dropped. She furrowed her brows at Maxim and giggled, "For what?" she asked.

        "No particular reason." He walked off, leaving (Y/n) speechless. Maybe he wasn't mad?

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