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        Running past corridors, people, and stationary objects I rushed to reach Oliver. 'This is it, this is it,' I kept thinking. Approaching the infirmary ward, I stopped in my tracks panting. I was scared to hear the truth, would he make it? Would he die? I wanted to back away and forget, but I'm already here. There's no turning back. I inhale sharply and push open the doors. To my surprise Oliver was awake, and he wasn't alone. Lera was also in the ward unconscious.

        My legs felt weak with each step as tears threatened my eyes, "Oliver?" I croaked. He looked at me with wide eyes. To my examination, he began to hyperventilate. I wasn't an operator or recruit, I worked with Doc, but not in the field. Very rarely I would be deployed, even that terrified me. It was my day off, and I couldn't even turn my back without Oliver having a scratch.

        "It's okay amour, I'm here." I rushed to his side, holding his hand and placing my other on his chest in an attempt to calm him. "Deep breaths, okay?" I dropped to my knees at his bedside.

        Recently Oliver, Lera, and a few other operators had been deployed. Some sort of outbreak like disease? The images of said 'disease' made me think it was a zombie war zone out there. I feared for all of the operators return and soon that return came. Everyone made it alive, but with an incomplete mission. Jäger's situation was terrible enough, I truly thought Oliver was done for.

       "What happened out there?" I whispered looking over to Lera, afraid to look Oliver in the eyes.

        "We almost died, (Y/n). Everyone there is done for. Dead. If we can't condemn it, this will become a national issue." His rough hand met mine. "(Y/n), I thought I wouldn't see you ever again."

        I finally met his eyes. They looked worn and puffy from crying. "Oliver.." I took my hand from his chest to his face. "Your condition scares me." I looked at him with watery eyes, silence consuming us. I sighed, "How's Lera?"

        "I don't know, bad? This big rhino monster thing charged at us, mainly Lera. It sent her flying to concrete. Not to mention I was rammed into a window and other shit flung and shot at me." Oliver looked at me with tired eyes.

        "Christ.." I tightened my grip on his hand, but not enough to hurt him. I frowned and looked at my watch that read, '2:03 A.M.' I sighed and rubbed my forehead. I was still on my knees at his bedside. His current position made me worried, I couldn't leave him.

        Looking around the room made me feel anxious. I stood up and checked on Lera's vitals. She would be fine, but feel like shit I'm sure of it. I walked back to Oliver who looked at me with concern. I grabbed onto his hand once more.

        Oliver looked at the ceiling, "I love you, (Y/n). Please, don't.. forget it." He slurred. Looking back at him he was asleep.

        I kissed his forehead, "Stay alive, Oliver."

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