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       "Ryad, I can't see through the smoke!" (Y/n) yelled. She placed her arms to the wall on her left to guide her. Although her throat was burning from the fumes, feeling weak and light headed, she wasn't going to let this place collapse on her team. Not only her team, but Ryad.

       This was supposed to be a typical training ground day, just defense and attackers practicing, but nothing seems to go the way it's meant to.

       "(Y/n)!" Ryad's distant voice reminded her of the situation she was in. (Y/n) wasn't even sure if everyone else that was in this building escaped or not, she would have to check after getting Ryad.

       "Ryad! Where are you, I'm trying to follow your voice!" She shouted, the feeling in her throat getting stronger.

       "Keep walking," Ryad said, "I think I see you." He paused to cough harder.

       Determined she was near she broke free from the wall and walked forward, finally seeing the outlines of people. The first thing she saw was James unconscious on the floor, with a shotgun slightly ahead of his fallen figure. Behind James, was Ryad stuck under some burnt plywood from the flimsy building that was still catching flames.

       "Ryad!" She ran passed James to see him. Ryad, clearly in pain, grunted forcing himself to get out from under the burned debris. "Just a second, I need to see if James has a heartbeat." (Y/n) said quickly. Ryad glanced up at her with tired eyes, he said nothing, but gave a slight nod stopping his efforts of getting out from under the debris. 

       Rushing to James, (Y/n) pulls up his gas mask slightly to his pale skinned neck. Although he had a heartbeat, it was slowing down. She attempts to shake his body, but it doesn't do much. This feeling overwhelms (Y/n). She places his body gently back down and returns to Ryad.

       "Uhm, okay, can you turn to lay on your back?" (Y/n) asked. Ryad hesitantly looks to the floor, putting his elbow on the ground to turn his body around. The sudden movement made the debris shuffle, but Ryad didn't make a noise of a pain from it. 

       "Okay, I'm going to try to pull you out from under your arms. If I'm hurting  you, let me know, but we gotta move, James is fighting for his life right now as we know it." (Y/n) says worriedly. Ryad, still haven't said a word, nods.

       On one knee, she places her arms under his arm pits and starts to count down.

       "Three, two... one!" (Y/n) uses all of her energy to pull him. His body starts to slide out from under the debris as it begins to fall slightly, but at least he's out. 

       "Thanks." Ryad mutters, trying to regain composure. He looks up to (Y/n)'s worried and anxious eyes, but it doesn't last long. James start making sounds that indicate he's struggling to breathe. Ryad crawls over to his form ready to pick him up.

       "W-Wait! Is anyone else still in here?" (Y/n) says frantically.

       "No, it was just us. We were running, when parts of the ceiling fell down. Whatever fell on James broke into pieces, I was the unlucky one." Ryad says. (Y/n) nods, beginning to move to the other side of James half-conscious body.

       (Y/n) begins to pull his torso up so his arm is over her shoulder, Ryad quickly follows her actions. When he stands up, Ryad realizes the true pain in his legs and nearly falls back to the floor.

       "I'm fine, we just gotta move now." Ryad says throught gritted teeth, but begins walking. This wasn't enough for (Y/n). Ryad has the burning feeling of (Y/n)'s eyes on him. "Seriously, I'm fine for now." He says reassuringly. (Y/n) sighs lightly.

       The small walk to an exit was brutal for Ryad, but he needed to help his friend and lover.

       The suns rays were burning their eyes, but they could hear the familiar noises of firefighters and ambulances. Both their skin discolored from smoke, beaten and tired, they both collapsed on the cool grass as medics rushed to their aid.

       (Y/n) watched as the medics took away Ryad and James, taken to get their own help. An paramedic ran to (Y/n) asking if she was alright, she wasn't, but she insisted she was fine. The man looked at her in disbelief, as she walked away like she wasn't inside a burning building.

       (Y/n) was worried for the both of them, but needed to see Ryad. The adrenaline is starting to wear off as her walking began to slow down. She passed by ambulance after ambulance, they all held each of her fellow operators from inside, but not Ryad. (Y/n) could only see one ambulance left. That familiar feeling of anxiety washing over her once more, she walked up to the ambulance, even though she felt like she was stepping on needles. Lucky enough for her, Ryad was inside this one. Laying down on the stretcher like he'd been beaten and ran over.

       Man, he looks horrible..

       "(Y/n)?" Ryad said tiredly. "Why aren't you getting aid?" He asked.

       "Not until I got to see you. You don't look too good you know." She said. Her eyes brimming with guilt. She stared at the floor to avoid his gaze.

       "Idiot." Ryad let out a small chuckle. "You did save my life back there." He flashed a grin.

       She smiled and looked at him. And then she realized something, his helmet's eye piece was smashed. 

       He probably doesn't want that on his face. 

Gingerly, she took the helmet off of him and placed it to the side of the stretcher. 

       "Thanks, (Y/n). I owe you my life." He said softly.

       "You don't owe me anything, I'm sure you would have done the same." (Y/n) said. Rubbing her arm in embarrassment. 

       "Yeah, but I would have done it more heroic and romantically." Ryad chuckled.

       (Y/n) felt funny hearing that. Was that a hint?

       "What's that supposed to mean, Ryad?" (Y/n) urged.

       "What, is something wrong with your head? I love you dumb ass, don't do that shit again. And seriously go get a paramedic to check you out or so help me I'm getting up from this stretcher." Ryad joked, giving a radiant smile.

       "Just making sure, Ryad, I love you too." (Y/n) giggled and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

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