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"You wanna do something fun?" Anja said. She currently leaning on the edge of her desk, phone in hand. (Y/n)'s desk being just across from hers.

(Y/n) looked up from her cluttered work station, giving the woman an odd look. "Anja if it's another science-fiction movie, I'm not really interested after the last one." She laughed.

"No, I promise it's not. I wanna show you something." Anja said. (Y/n) still gave her a questionable look, unsure of what she wanted to show her.

"What, a new piece of tech or something?" (Y/n) said, leaning her elbows on her work desk to try an ease the pain on her feet.

"It isn't a new 'thing' I made, I wanna show you this spot I found the other night. It has a beautiful view of the stars, plus I think we deserve a break. It's nearly midnight and you don't look like you're ready to stop whatever you're coding." Anja chuckled. (Y/n) sighed, she was right, her feet were killing her from standing almost all day. Stupid standing desks.

"Alright, let me grab my jacket." She said almost lazily, but Anja was excited. Anja had been planning the perfect time to have a moment with the both of them alone, but it was always hard to pull (Y/n) away from her work routine.

Anja smiled, realizing it was finally going to happen, after so many attempts she was finally going to say it. She was so caught up in her thoughts she hadn't even noticed (Y/n) walking back to her from her locker.

"After you, Anja." (Y/n) made a hand gesture at the door. Anja stifled a giggle and began to lead her colleague on their newest adventure. She always tried to get (Y/n) to come out with her more outside of work, whether it was the two of them or with some other colleagues, (Y/n) almost always politely refused. Anja never took it to heart, as she presumed (Y/n) to be introverted.

Just last weekend, Anja invited Jaimini and (Y/n) to her place for a girls night, suggesting to watch The Blob. Turns out, (Y/n) didn't like the sight of the blob too much as it, "gave her the creeps."

Their new base was quite large and very high tech. The two passed by rooms and testing facilities still occupied by people. Even at this hour it seemed like there is no rest in this line of work.

"So might I ask how you found this 'spot' the other night?" (Y/n) asked breaking their comfortable silence.

"I go out on walks at night a lot, the cool air does wonders. Maybe you should give it a try miss workaholic." Anja laughed. (Y/n) only scoffed at her remark.

"Maybe I like my job, slacker." (Y/n) retorted, obviously in a joking manner.

"Oh yeah I'm a total slacker, caught me red handed." She took the moment to take in the smile (Y/n) had. Oh, how beautiful she thought (Y/n) looked.

She quickly caught on to Anja staring at her and softly looked away. She could feel that burning heat on her face, hoping Anja didn't notice. She kind of liked the way Anja looked at her, like she was content and happy.

Anja opened a door to the outside fields, feeling the immediate crisp air. (Y/n) was still unsure where this spot could possibly be, as the outside fields were used for testing and physical training. Unless.. they were venturing off somewhere to said location.

"Follow me." Anja said. She began to walk right passed the gated fields and off course to a barrage of trees. There was a light dirt path, but it looked looked like it hadn't been walked on for some time. Even the forest began to take their man-made path back with the grass and rocks softly covering it at different angles.

(Y/n) was glad she took her jacket, as the air began to feel cold on her body, but Anja looked unbothered by the cold. Speaking of Anja, she looked liked some wilderness princess making sure to touch the trees she passed by. If it were daylight I guarantee wildlife would be coming her way too.

She couldn't help but feel like she had something for Anja. She always cared about her, asked her out to hang out, treated her like a best friend and more. But, (Y/n) wanted something deeper than a friendship and she wasn't sure if she was ready to admit it.

"How much further?" (Y/n) asked.

"I see it right up ahead." Anja said. It sounded like she was smiling when she talked.

The soft sounds of leaves crunching under their shoes was so calming. It really set the smooth and gentle atmosphere they shared.

Up ahead there was a nice open area revealing the sky. In the middle of this huge open circle, was a much larger tree, but it's leaves were softly beginning to fall out. This particular area looked man-made, just to see the sky from all the other smaller trees that blocked the skies view.

The sky was a gorgeous midnight blue, having small transparent clouds with shining stars behind them. The moon was full and brighter than ever.

"Wow, Anja.." (Y/n) paused to stand next to her, "This is beautiful." She turned her head to look at Anja. Anja was taller than her, but she never cared.

Anja had this smile on her face that looked like she was about to jump from joy or something. She placed her hands on her hips and gazed at the endless sky.

"I'm glad you like it. I had a good feeling you would." She said. A silence fell between them again, but this time it wasn't very comfortable. It felt like that silence where you feel like you should say something, but don't know what.

(Y/N) didn't know what to do other than stare at the night sky with Anja.

In reality, Anja was actually trying to work her way up to say something she never felt she had the strength to say. Kind of embarrassing, but she was nervous.

"So, (Y/n). I've been meaning to tell you something." Anja dropped one of her arms from her hip. She turned on her foot to look down at (Y/n). She looked like she was listening inventively to what she was about to say. Her expression made her train of thought halt. She could just sit here and stare at her for hours if she could.

"Go on, I'm listening." (Y/n) said softly.

Anja closed her eyes and sighed, hoping for the best after this.

"Well, I brought you out here because I thought you would like it.. and that I felt like it would be the perfect time for.. something else. But, after I say this I just hope you don't think of me differently." She fidgeted with her hands, "(Y/n), I think I've had a crush on you for a long time now, and I wanted to tell you that I love you. But, of course if you don't feel the same, I completely understand. I don't want to ruin this friendship we already have either."

Anja could swear she saw the stars light up in (Y/n)'s eyes. It made her feel relived from all the anxiety she had just brought on herself.

"If I'm being honest Anja, I think I-I love you too." (Y/N) said. She rubbed her arm nervously and broke their eye contact.

Anja's heart fluttered, she couldn't hold herself back from picking (Y/n) up and spinning her around. (Y/n) giggled and placed her hands on Anja's padded forearms. They shared this sweet moment of bliss, finally feeling like they both have the one.

"Oh my gosh, you have no idea how relieved I am right now. I feel like a kid on sugar, do you want to stay the night at my place tonight?" Anja quickly said. The smile growing on her face by the second.

(Y/n) only shook her head laughing, "Yes, I would love to, but no creepy scifi movies!" She giggled before tugging Anja down for a small peck. Anja practically dragged her back to base, running with excitement.

Before Anja could even have a moment to stop (Y/n) quickly said, "I'm glad you took me out here, love."

This was my first try with a girl I might do more :D

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