LTBB 2: Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six.

[Isabelle Dawns' POV]

Grabbing coffee before my literature class and begun, I bumped into someone who I would have never thought I'd cross paths with again.

"So, how have you been?" Luke Cole asks taking a sip of his cappuccino. We were sitting outside of the coffee shop. He had his light brown hair slick back and his suit neatly on his body. He could have passed for a billionaire.

Luke is so sophisticated now. How can someone like him, who use to work for Dean in the past, transform into someone so classy? By the looks of it, he's gone pretty successful.

"I've been alright, thanks. How's your new life?" I asked rather intrigued, "If I distinctly remember, you're 24 now?"

He raised his cappuccino in my honour, "Your distinct remembrance is correct, Isabelle. I am fine also, I got a career as a law teacher at Frankston University a couple of hours away from here."

I beam, "That's amazing. Wow, congratulations, Luke. So what are you doing back here in town?" Frankston University is at least five to four hours away from here, therefore, curiousness once again, inched my brain.

"I just had some unfinished business to deal with here. It's a matter of saying goodbye to old past and hello to new futures."

"Old pasts meaning your ex girlfriend, Ellie?" I accidentally blurt out, his face turned pale.

"I just visited her grave a couple hours ago." He stated in a broken voice, I touched his hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

"No, it's okay. Despite what happened to her death, I just needed to move on, you know?" I nod my head continuing to listen to his speech and somehow in between the topic, the subject of Ellie's death dug further, which also led to Dean.

"You know he's back, right? Dean." I announced in a whisper, Luke twitched a smile.

"It's kind of predictable, he's one of those guys who won't stop until something is done." His words sent shivers over my arms, "I hung out with Dean and the boys for most of my life but then I stopped after the incident with Ellie. Let's just say, they can get away with basically anything. I remember that his dad is the chief of the police, Dean is usually off the hook and that's the reason why he's never arrested. It's like the guy is invincible. That's why most people fear him."

"Are you, Luke?"

He grinned proudly, "Not as much as I use to. Fear is just something that's kept in your mind. I learnt that from the movie After Earth, starring Will Smith and his son, Jayden."

Listening to his choice in words, I comment, "Look at you, not only you're dressed sophisticatedly, but you're also speaking quite maturely."

He laughed, "My apologises, Ms Dawns. Let me rephrase my choice in dialogue: I watched this fucking sick as movie with Will and Jayden Smith and it had blood and guts, fighting and really deep words that I never understood until now."

Laughing loudly, I rolled my head back, "There you go!"

As the amusement faded down, he stared at me worriedly observing my display as I thought about the worst possible outcomes with Dean.

"You're scared, aren't you?" Luke spoke in a hushed tone, I brought my coffee up to the tip of my lips in wanting to answer his question, "Answer me."

"I'm terrified." I wouldn't want anything that happened to me before in that abandoned hall, happen again.

"So why did you come back to Florida? Why didn't you stay with your brother in California?"

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