She's My Girlfriend

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Chapter Nine: She's My Girlfriend.

~Isabelle's POV~

"Get away from her." Chase spat at Zach, possessively pulling me away. His grip was firm.

Zach furrows his eyebrows glaring at him, "You don't own her."

"Neither do you, so fuck off."

"Actually," Zach begins, "She's my girlfriend."

Well, I obviously did not think this through.

"What?" Chase speaks through gritted teeth, it's like he was about to murder someone.

"This is all just a misunderstanding." I try to calm the situation. I'm only pretending to be Zach's girlfriend because of the deal I lost against him, we're not actually in an official relationship. Why is Chase even worried?

My body turns to Chase's green piercing eyes; "What are you doing, Chase?" I question, walking over to Zach as I lean against his body, Zach wrapping his arms around me.

"What am I doing?" he imitates, "I saw this prick kissing you, and I didn't like it." The tension between both males cause me to worry. I didn't want them to start a fight, not with all these people around.

I take a breath in, "Zach, I-Um, why don't you go off for a while."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I think I need to talk to Chase for a bit." I explain, him nodding and placing a kiss on my cheek before he left. I saw from the corner of my eye Chase cringing at Zach's public affection.

"Okay, what is it with you, Chase?" I spit out.

"What is it with me? What is it with you?"

"I don't have time for arguing. Why are you being so rude to Zach? You haven't even met him before, yet you're being so... annoying!" I wave my hands in the air, I was so tired of him.

Chase folds his arms in front, "Are you his girlfriend now?"

"Why do you care about him?"

"I don't."

"Okay, then. Goodbye."

I start to walk away until Chase grabs my hips, forcefully pulling my body to touch his, "But you know what I care about?" he whispers in my ear, "You."

The words that fell from his lips sent chills down my spine, his touch gave me shivers and goosebumps. I know that I have to stay away from him, but it seems like I can't.

Why is he so soft and gentle around me yet so aggressive and arrogant around other people?

"Stay with me." Chase whispers in my neck as he places kisses. I almost didn't notice that my eyes were shut closed until he spoke.


"Why not, princess?" Chase still not letting go, I'm tucked in his arms as he continued to give sweet kisses on the crook of my neck, "I won't hurt you, Belle."

A lump appears on my throat, "You already have." I shakily speak. I pry myself to make him withdraw from my body, untangling his arms from my waist and setting myself free.

When I found out that Chase has been doing the exact same things with other girls; like calling them by sweet nicknames, kissing them, treating them like a princess, giving everything he has to them was all a scam to get them in his bed.

When Christiana told me the truth, it felt like all the emotion had been drained from my face. I thought Chase actually cared about me. I thought he was different compared to all the other guys, well guess what? He isn't.

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