And So It Begins

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who is reading and especially voting :) it means a lot. You all are amazing! Xx


Chapter Six: And So, It Begins.

Isabelle's POV

I'm woken up by the annoying buzzing sound of my alarm clock. My vision becomes blurry as the sun light blinds it. I look at my phone;


I'm going to be late for classes. Hauling myself out of bed, I'm stopped by an arm around my waist. Chase. Holy cow, did he sleep here?

"Chase, wake up." I sleepily whisper, him groaning and rolling over, still not withdrawing his grip.

Huffing and rolling my eyes, I slightly push his broad shoulder, "Let me sleep, Belle."


I have never been called that in my life, even though my name is Isabelle, people just call me 'Isa' for short... but, Belle. Everything involving the campus' bad boy is new to me.

Scenes flashes back in my mind from last night; "Can I call you Belle? As my nickname for you?"


One of his arms positioning to lay gently on around my waist, "Because you're a princess.", his green eyes stare deeply in my gaze

I laugh at his ridiculous comment, "What?"

"Belle is the name of the princess from Beauty and the Beast... do you know that film?" he's stroking my hair with his fingers, it feels nice.

"Of course I know that film... but I'm not a princess." I laugh at the thought

"Well, you're my princess."

Snapping back to reality, I fully push the sleepily boy out of my bed causing him to fall on the floor, "What the hell?!" Chase yells, he finally sits up wide awake. And angry.

Well, he is definitely not a morning person.

"We're late." I say rolling out of the covers.

"Late? Late for what?"

"Classes, you idiot!"

"Calm down, princess. I'm sure we're not that late..." he tried reassuring me

I furrow my eyebrows, staring into his eyes, "I'm pretty sure we just missed two lectures!"

"Okay okay! get ready. I'll drive us there."


"What do you have now?" Chase asks, leaning against the white bricked wall.

The hallways were deserted... maybe it was because second lecture had already started ten minutes ago.

"Uh," my eyes scroll down to my list of classes, "Legal Studies." I say grabbing the books for the subject. Chase grins, his eyes lighting up.

"What?" I ask giving confused a face.

"We've got the same subject."

Oh Lord, help me.

"Greeeaaatt..." I weakly smile.

Chase chuckles, "Don't act like you aren't excited, princess. You seemed pretty anxious when you wanted me to fuck y--" I cut him off my urgently covering his mouth and glaring at him.

"Firstly, I was in a drunken state. Secondly, I never wanted for you to 'fuck me' and thirdly, we only kissed, genius." taking my hand off his lips.

He smirks at me, "Hey, hey now...You're the one that wanted me to kiss you."

"I was drunk!" I half-yell at him, waving my arms around the air like a lunatic.

"You wish you were drunk." Chase winks, me groaning.

"Let's just get to class before I do anything else stupid."

We walk down the narrow corridors, and my mind reflected back on the first day I met him. Lora and Tyler were discussing about his 'behaviour' and 'issues'.

Out of nowhere, I accidentally blurted out, "Why is everyone so afraid of you?" This topic is obviously something that Chase isn't comfortable discussing because of how hard his body started tensing beside me.

His jaw clenched, "If I told you, you'd run away."

"No, I won't." I hesitantly say with honesty. His green eyes meet mine, searching for any lies of my sentence.

Chase sighs, "I don't think now is a good time to tell you, Belle."

Taking a moment, I agreed with him. It was stupid of me to ask deep questions that made Chase cringe. I only knew him for a couple of weeks. We arrived into the classroom a few moments later, unintentionally cutting the professor off from his words.

I mouthed to him, "Sorry, it won't happen again."


We walk in the cafeteria, Chase had taken a seat beside me, we had the whole table to ourselves. I'm not sure where Lora or even Tyler had gone off to.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Homework." I lied.

"Oh c'mon, Belle." Chase's body scoots closer to mine, only to sneakily wrap an arm around my waist and abruptly spoke out, "I'm going to kiss you." his lips dangerously close to my ear.

"Chase, stop. There's people looking."

His head shoot up and instantly glared at different faces who have been secretly glimpsing at us and taking about us.

"Who gives a shit about them." he lures my body onto his chest, "Since they're looking, I'll show them who you belong to." a smirk creeps up on his face, slowly seducing me.

In a matter of seconds, our lips connected softly, and passionately. It felt... special, almost surreal. I could hear various voice talk around me... about how I'm kissing the bad boy, but I didn't care, not anymore.

I'm not so comfortable with public affections... especially with Chase, but the things he does to me makes me loose my mind. It's like this massive roller coaster; and I'm pretty sure I just hopped on the ride.

"Um..." A distinct voice emerged. Our heads turn to face the direction of the voice. It was Tyler... and Lora.

"Uh, hi." I sheepishly spoke, clearly embarrassed that they had to see that. My best friend directs me a 'what the hell' face. I didn't know how all this began, nor will I know how everything will end.

Are Chase and I in a relationship?

"Hey, man." Chase shakes hands with his cousin, Tyler, who I must say, Lora is currently drooling over, "You missed a lot."

"Clearly." Lora butts in, raising her eyebrow at me.

"Hey, Chase. Did you hear about your brother, Luke?" Tyler asks almost nervously, Chase tries to act calm, like nothing matters, but in his eyes, you could tell that he was panicking.

Every time the subject of his brother, Luke Cole, arrives; Chase always starts worrying, what is so bad about him? What did he do to Chase that always made him tense up?

"What about my brother?" he replied bluntly.

"He's going to be released from jail...tomorrow."

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